Stepping out of my box a bit and talking about looks today. To a certain extent, looks are important! But only to a certain extent, right? So if you haven’t noticed yet, I went live with a new look for the website over the weekend. If you’re reading on Facebook or in a reader, click over and check it out! But this time I didn’t change it because I got bored with it. Well, maybe a little. This time I mostly changed it because I never could reconcile a few things on the back end and get threaded comments to work. Threaded comments allow me to use the ReplyMe plugin – which in turn saves me a lot of time because YOU automatically get my replies to your comments! It’s a good thing.

Also over the weekend I traveled to Austin with a friend to have lunch with the team from Apologia Live. OH MY GOSH that was so much fun! The discussion was amazing, I’m stoked about the retreat coming up in October and I have so much to tell you. LATER.

As I was getting ready to go to Austin I began loading things into Hubby’s laptop bag. I wasn’t sure what I needed or how much time I’d have on my hands, and hubby’s laptop bag is old school and huge so consequently I ended up packing up WAY TOO MUCH stuff to take with me (and used very little of it.) Did I mention that it’s very manly and big? And it was heavy.

As I was packing up I told James, “I think I need my own laptop bag.” And I do. A smaller one. I think I want to try to get one before I go to the retreat in October. It will keep me from packing it full of too much stuff, it won’t be so heavy (and it will be more attractive but that’s a lousy reason to spend money – right? Does it make it better if I say “more professional?” Probably not, huh?) At any rate, as far as laptop bags go, I need a new look. And I do have an anniversary and a birthday coming up. ;0)

Check these out. Are they not TOO CUTE? And in my price range to boot (click the pics to go to their site):

I think the last one may be my favorite, or maybe the green one – I don’t know! Too many options! Well, I have plenty of time to decide and pick one. Which do YOU like best??

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Hey, yโ€™all! Iโ€™m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and Iโ€™m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and sheโ€™s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!