by Classic Housewife

Showing: 4 - 6 of 13 RESULTS
Faith and God Parenting

Our Morning Basket

Three nights ago I was trying to go to sleep when I got an idea. A very appealing, wonderful, exciting idea. So exciting in fact that I had to get up out of bed at one o’clock in the morning to act on it. I had lain there for a half hour with thoughts swirling in my head: “I need to start getting up earlier so I can get the …

Making Home

Menu Plan Monday

I’m going to try to get back on this bandwagon!! We have some specific produce items from the co-op that we need to use up and there are several things in the freezer that needs to be used so that’s a definite influence on our menu for this week. And since we now have a non-stop supply of fresh farm eggs (ours), Breakfast For Dinner and Eggs for breakfast are …


How Do I Parent My Tween Girl?

Whoever said that hormones kick in at 13…. I’d like a refund on that advice. Because you were WRONG. Hormones start cranking up earlier. Much. Earlier. And while there’s no denying that they may crank up even more at 13, and 14, and 15.. there’s also no denying that we’re already seeing the evidence of hormones at play on a pretty regular basis. Oh the drama! Oh the mood swings! …