by Classic Housewife

Showing: 52 - 54 of 193 RESULTS
Just Me

Sunset Reflections

The sun was going down, I guess it was mostly down because I couldn’t really see it anymore. I hadn’t been paying attention. This time of year is kind of confusing because my body has adjusted to the later sunsets of the summer. There was so much light in the sky, but no sunset — was it time for twilight already? The whole sky was still light, darkness had not …

Making Home

WFMW: Dollar Store Fall Decor

Every year I buy a little something here and a little something there and add it to my fall decoration box. I’m building my supply selection very slowly, but also very cost effectively. Neither do I spend a large amount of money all at once, nor do I buy things that I don’t like or won’t use because I’m being very selective with what I purchase. My favorite place to …

Learning Games

SpellQuizzer: Review & Giveaway

School is in full swing!! I’ve already heard some of my public schooling friends comment about helping their children with their spelling lists and I’ve already had discussions with other homeschool moms about improving our childrens’ spelling. Regardless of age, school choice or ability, spelling is one of those things that all kids practice and learn their entire school career (and hopefully beyond.) My point is this: No one is …