by Classic Housewife

Showing: 28 - 30 of 193 RESULTS

Happy Reformation Day

What IS Reformation Day? Reformation Day is a day to commemorate October 31st, 1517, when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Thesis (95 reasons) on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenburg, Germany – which he posted as public argument against the practice of indulgences (where the Catholic church led its members to believe they could pay the church a fee to absolve their sins) and other clerical abuses. This …

Our School

Weekly Wrap Up: The End of Week 8

Suddenly I find myself at a strange and unfamiliar place. A place in which I have actually counted and marked the days and weeks since school began. A place wherein I am aware that next week marks the end of the first quarter–something that I’ve never really paid attention to before. In the past we’ve had a start date, vacation days and an end date. It’s completely SURREAL to have …

Blogging and Memes

Friday Fun: Tell a Story

Oh it’s been YEARS since I’ve done something like this (high school in fact.) I always had fun with these.. yeah, I was a bit of a nerd, what can I say? Inspired by Currclick’s giveaway and blog hop (check out the Currclick blog to see how you can enter to win a $20 GC to their site – ends at 10pm EST tonight, Friday the 29th!!) I’ve decided to …