It’s no secret that my favorite Christmas decoration is my Christmas tree! In the past we’ve discussed my need for Christmas tree therapy. We took the time to diagnose my problem and we saw just how bad it was.

I need help.

But DID YOU KNOW that I never put up pictures of my Christmas tree last year? Not one! (And I took MANY.) Last year we bought a new tree – a prelit tree! A tree that doesn’t look sad and “threadbare” like our previous tree. A pretty little tree. A pretty little tree with even MORE ornaments than ever before!! Here’s a peek: (click for bigger)

But THIS year… THIS year I did something different. Something crazy.

I didn’t use all of my ornaments!

This year we have a color scheme. White. Silver. Turquoise/Teal. And I love it.

(Confession #1: I really wanted to buy a white Christmas tree for this, but seeing as how I can’t really justify the expense of that I settled for a couple of 3 dollar white garlands instead. I’m really pleased with the look!)

(Confession #2: The kids decorated, I can’t keep myself from “re-distributing and tweaking!”) ;0)

But I really am so very, very happy when I look at my tree. It brings joy. Because it’s so lovely, because I love the colors, because I love what it represents the most. A Christmas tree stands in the corner of the room and sings, “Christmas is coming, Noel!, Noel!, Joy to the World!” Well, at least MINE does. =p

After we decorated it occurred to me that I could fasten this Christmas ornament as a topper! That’ll work!

In the past we’ve used color symbolically; blue represented “Jesus is the water of life.” This year I thought we’d focus on that more. (I am aware that white and blue are also conveniently the colors of Hanukkah, which I’d like to learn more about, but for the purpose of this decorating theme, blue here is water. Jesus’ living water.)

And yes, our tree is artificial, fake, as it is every year. But the symbolism and meaning behind the evergreen tree, everlasting life, is anything but.

Jesus came.

Jesus lived.

Jesus died.

Jesus rose again.

Drink and never thirst again.

Live in Christ and live fully, eternally.


Linked to “Popinjay: Fake” and a part of my “ADVENTure 2010” series.

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Hey, yโ€™all! Iโ€™m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and Iโ€™m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and sheโ€™s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!