I have all these things I want to blog about, especially homeschool stuff, but the funny thing about having more kids doing more things in school and putting in a better effort with our school day … it takes time. Imagine that. ;0)
I’m not complaining because a.) it’s what I NEED to be doing, and b.) I enjoy it (for the most part, except in the hair-pulling moments)..doing the school lessons with the kids, that is. I mostly don’t enjoy the math, and I mostly do enjoy the science and history. We all have our strong points right?
From 9 to at least 3 I’m busy with the kids, and if I do spend time on the laptop I don’t use it to do anything “big.” Rather, a quick check of email, Twitter, Facebook.. that sort of thing. Or maybe researching things for school, printing supplemental worksheets,.. you get the idea. After school we tidy and move right into cooking supper. And from there we usually watch a movie and then get the kids in bed. By that point, I’M TIRED. But I’m not done because I still haves chores for myself, showering, spending time with my husband… There aren’t enough hours in the day, right??
As a result, I did make a menu this week, but I didn’t post it with Menu Plan Monday. I HAVE been thinking about a Popinjay post, but I haven’t taken a picture and posted one. I have school things and books I’ve read and articles and links I want to share. But I’m not finding the time to share them! So, it seems, I’ve got very little time on my hands for blogging these days. I’m probably only going to be able to eek out a post or two a week for a while.
Don’t take it personally, though, because I’m not doing well with replying to emails, calling people back, keeping up with friends on Facebook or Twitter, either. It’s seems to be a global issue. ;0)
I think that’s probably okay, though, don’t you? My kids will only be young once.
Photo Credit: Some rights reserved by mike@bensalem
I know what you mean – when I’m really solid with homeschool, computer time is much more limited. Which isn’t a bad thing. Just a challenge to attempt to balance it all. But it’s like everything else in life – it ebbs and flows. Whatever ideas you have, jot them down, or type up a quick draft, so you can at least retain the post idea for future use if you can’t get to it now.