Crashing, rain pounded into age-torn siding, wind ripping brittle shingles from the roof. Noise carried by wind and felt through the ground caused the home to tremble-jitter while three helpless babes slept inside. Innocent. Unaware.

Mother pacing, praying, peering through rain streaked windows watching clouds illuminated by lightening – seeking every ounce of information stormy skies could offer. Seeking God to guide and comfort the storm within throughout the storm without.

After terror wanes and storm passes, sunrise comes and light illumines havoc-torn trees. Morning reveals the close proximity of the twisting tempest, powerful and destructive. Mother, relieved, Father surprised, 3 little babes innocent and unaware.

A few miles from our house.

Two years past and many storms ago, and yet this still imprinted on my mind as yesterday, cautions and bids us to remember HIM who works all forces for HIS will. To GOD be the glory, more powerful than all eye can see or hand touch close and feel. To God be the glory as Mother faces forces colliding and tempest turning as Texas rides through tornado season once again.

In my front yard.

(A tribute to tornado season, here once again! The original tornado of 2008 story can be found here.)

This week’s Popinjay photo prompt was “Powerful.” Nothing is more powerful than God himself. I see his power in the might and strength of creation – in waterfalls, mountains, and yes, even tornadoes. For more Popinjay, visit Karina who is hosting for Michelle!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!