by Classic Housewife

Showing: 4 - 6 of 23 RESULTS
Our School

Homeschool Advice: Horizons Versus LifePac?

Drama Queen needs math curriculum. She’s good on Science, History, Health, Handwriting, Grammar and Reading — all hand me downs from Princess or other friends. But math? Not a thing. Princess didn’t even HAVE a second grade math curriculum. And I’m not kidding. We were So. Broke. I scoured 2nd grade math scope & sequence charts, I read the table of contents from a friend’s Saxon math book, I made …

Our School

Today Did Not Go Well.

Lest you think homeschooling is all sunshine and roses, let me assure you…. it is not. Oh, there’s plenty of sunshine. And roses. Or in our case, dandelions. Especially in the spring time when the windows and doors are open and recess is an hour and a half long. But sometimes it’s more like thunderclouds and hail storms. I’m just keeping it real. That said, TODAY DID NOT GO WELL. …

Just Me

Popinjay: Excessive! (Guest Hosting Again)

Excessive! As in, my tardiness for getting Popinjay up like I promised is EXCESSIVE. Or, the level of craziness and the high level of stress today has been EXCESSIVE. (Exceedingly so.) Or, my need for the kids to go to bed on time is EXCESSIVE. Alas, none of these are things I can capture in a single image. Unless I take a picture of myself pulling my hair and screaming. …