Time for another one of those fun blog posts where we examine the kind of traffic that Google is sending my way (thank you, dear Google), double check it to make sure there are no weirdo google searches sending people over here and take a giggle at some of the random stuff people actually google… READY?

Maybe You Were Looking For THIS?
bills need to be paid
Yes, yes they do. Unfortunately I haven’t figured out a way to pay with “Thank you’s and pretty smiles” but I DID just revamp my office desk and bill system to make sure the MONEY makes it to the bill collectors on time. (They’re not too crazy about “Oops!”s either…)
pretzel affiliate program
Really? Do they have such a thing? Does it work? Tell me! I can add it to my list of approved affiliates.. 😉 Ohhhh, or maybe you were looking for my homemade soft pretzels? They’re so much tastier anyway.
what is title of wife that doesn’t work
Seriously? I’m pretty sure she’s still your WIFE. Working or not, better or worse, sickness and health – ring a bell? (James, no wise cracks about that search resulting in a hit to my blog. JUST SAYIN.)
100 ways to show christ’s love
OOH! I don’t have a post like that but good idea! Thanks random googler!
how to take permanent marker off a white (board I assume??)
Aha! I knew that permanent marker/dry erase board tip was going to come in handy for someone else eventually!!
is jello a liquid or a solid?
I am not the only one who wonders these things.
does god want me to be a homemaker
YES! Again, YES! If you ask me we are ALL home makers. (Just some of us work in an office, too.)
how to survive texas summer
Ah yes. THAT TIME is almost upon us, yet AGAIN…
how long will homemade sweet tea last?
Not long enough to spoil if your house is anything like ours. We can drink an entire gallon in a day. Good thing it’s cheap and easy to make. 😉
crafts for pre-k with no gluing
Believe me. I feel your need. Unfortunately all three of my preschoolers love, love, LOVED gluing.
does god want you to fight to save a marriage?
HECK YA! And he wants you to pray, too. And draw close to Him. And not give up on it. And do I need to write a post about this?
how to enjoy with housewife
How to enjoy WHAT with housewife? WAIT. I don’t need to know. If she’s YOUR housewife, however, enjoy away! 😉
I do try to have some. Some days it’s what keeps me sane. That and prayer. And coffee. And more prayer. (And more coffee.)
meaningful playtime + god + toddler
Awww, sweeet! This might be my favorite.
my house is a pig sty since i have no time to clean it
I have the same problem! Though, perhaps if I stopped looking at my google search hits I could go get the kitchen cleaned up. Hint to self.
my foot connect to my whole body
Doesn’t everybody’s? That’s a good thing right?
tips for being a great housewife
I should write a post about this, too….
what does a housewife want?
Oh don’t get me started! That list is loooong. How about #1 – honor and cherishing from her husband in her role as wife and mother. What would YOU add??
That is hilarious!! I think my favorite is “what is title of wife who doesn’t work”, followed closely by “is jello a liquid or a solid”. I’ve been trying to figure out that last one for a long time, and I have a chemistry degree!
You’re responses were perfect – spot on. Loved it!
Oh my goodness, I did not just write you’re instead of your. Well, apparently I did, ’cause that’s what’s there. Mega sorry! *cringe* *hangs head in embarrassment* *cringe again*