This Tuesday is our next produce delivery so we’ll be swimming in fresh fruits and veggies! At the end of the week, I’m visiting my mom so this week’s menu will need to use the more time sensitive produce that we’ll receive so that nothing goes to waste. =)

I need to make a salad with the mizuna and arugula, and some of the green leaf lettuce, the grape tomatoes, mushrooms and cucumbers. I also have some leftover carrots. When I include “salad” on the menu, it’ll be this salad that I’ve pre-made. (Everything I mark with an asterisk is something from our organic co-op!)


Breakfast – Eggs, turkey bacon, toast, orange wedges*
Lunch – Turkey sandwiches, chips, apple wedges*
Snack – Graham crackers & peanut butter, raisins
Supper – Smoked sausage, homemade mac n cheese, ranch beans, biscuits


Breakfast – Cereal, orange wedges*
Lunch – Turkey bacon, lettuce* & tomato* sandwiches, carrot sticks*
Snack – Yogurt & bananas* & granola
Supper – Lemon* pepper chicken, fresh green beans*, red potatoes


Breakfast – Pancakes w/ strawberries*
Lunch – Turkey dogs, chips, apples*
Snack – Carrot sticks*, sliced sweet peppers*, ranch dressing
Supper – Mini meatloaves (didn’t make last week,) salad*, cornbread muffins


Breakfast – Oatmeal, apples*
Lunch – Salads* (with chopped turkey & hard-boiled eggs)
Snack – graham crackers, yogurt
Supper – Chicken fajitas w/ peppers* & onions, fresh pico, fresh guac*


Breakfast – Biscuits, gravy, turkey bacon, grapefruit*
Lunch – Peanut butter sandwiches, apples*, raisins
Snack – hard boiled eggs, carrots sticks* & ranch
Supper – Spaghetti, salad*, cheesy garlic bread

Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura @ I’m an Organizing Junkie.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!