by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 RESULTS
Making Home

Menu Plan Monday

This Tuesday is our next produce delivery so we’ll be swimming in fresh fruits and veggies! At the end of the week, I’m visiting my mom so this week’s menu will need to use the more time sensitive produce that we’ll receive so that nothing goes to waste. =) I need to make a salad with the mizuna and arugula, and some of the green leaf lettuce, the grape tomatoes, …

Just Me

Our Story: Begins in California

The very first thing I can remember… A “snapshot image” memory of a hallway, small, a single light above, two doors on either end. I seem to know without seeing it that there’s a stair case beside me. Somehow I know that I was headed from my bedroom to my parents’ room. I was young here. So young some might say that I couldn’t possibly remember these things. But there’s …