So my little exercisers,… how’s it going? Are you still with me? (Are you hiding?) Don’t worry, I’m not here to judge – I’m here to encourage! Exercising is one of those things where you take it one day at a time. You either do or you don’t. Just because you didn’t do it yesterday doesn’t mean that you can’t do it today. So what are you waiting for?!
The rundown for Day 19:
Activity: Walking, 1 mile
Activity Length: 10 minutes? I’m going to have to start wearing a watch. I’m terrible at guessing time.
Difficulty: Not nearly hard enough. Which is AMAZING because a month ago that would have definitely winded me and wore me out. Next time I should do TWO.
Tomorrow: Back to the 30 Day Shred – or at least, that’s the plan.
If you’re just now finding this challenge, start here.
A 10 minute mile? My fastest mile ever was 12 minutes – and that was in middle school, when I was actually fit. Then again, I AM slow….
I’m still hanging in there. I haven’t blogged about exercise lately, but I’ve been doing it about every other day. The daily thing got overwhelming for me. And since it’s about building a habit, I figure an every-other-day habit is ok, too. Right now, I’m heading to the treadmill!
.-= Rachel´s last blog ..kids say… =-.
Funny you mention that 10 minute “mile”.. the same day you left the comment I tried to measure the distance I walked with my car. I don’t think it’s a mile. But I don’t think I measured right either. Going to try again in the more reliable car just to make sure I’m getting a good measurement and then I’ll know how many times I need to walk that (it makes a big loop so I’ve got my own built in all-terrain track here!) to get a mile or two or three. And I don’t really know how long it… Read more »