This week’s Popinjay theme is “Alive.” I took a bit of a different approach and at first glance, my photo “entry” looks quite the OPPOSITE of “alive”:
And of course, I took a lot of pictures and since I’m indecisive, I also have a second shot of the same tree:
I love the second one because the colors are amazing, and it was straight out of the camera that way, with my Scenery setting – no photoshopping! But the first one with the gnarled branches at that angle better demonstrates my point. Which I’m sure, you’d love for me to get around to explaining??
The property we live on is covered in cedar trees. No oak. No maple. No poplar or ash or elm. It has it’s advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that we are always surrounded by lots of green, even in the dead of winter. Our evergreen blanket.
But there is one tree that no longer bears its green – we call it the white tree. For years it has stood across our driveway, a ghost of a tree against the dark green background behind it. This tree serves as a reminder that even “ever”green trees don’t stay green forever.
It reminds me of Isaiah 40:8 (the first scripture verse I ever memorized, as it was written on the cover page of my first bible):
The grass withers, the flowers fade, but the Word of our Lord stands forever.
Eventually, every single one of those trees will die.
Every. Single. One.
But the Word will last forever.
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:14
Martha said to him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.” Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:24-26
Popinjay is a concept photo challenge from Michelle.
You can see this full photo set on Flickr.
I like to think trees are alive whether they are green with leaves or without – I like both shots – they both represent the beauty of nature & I like the curve on the first shot
.-= lissa´s last blog ..alive =-.
I really liked the curve on the first shot, too. It’s what kept me from picking the other shot for number 1. =)
You were right girl–I DO love this!
I love that you captured the blue straight out of the camera!! I love the contrast of the ghost tree with the other cedars (do they smell wonderful?? Or only after they’re cut down?)
And I love the verses that go along with the story.
I was pretty selfish starting Popinjay, but I’m continually blessed by these images and stories. It’s amazing!!
.-= Michelle Pendergrass´s last blog ..Popinjay–ALIVE =-.
They CAN smell nice – I think they do at different time of the year. Especially when their berries are coming out. (Did you know they have berries?) But they DO smell great if you cut off snippets and sprigs and use them to make Christmas decorations. ;0) Of course, this could be a problem if you’re allergic to cedar. =P
P.S. – It was REALLY hard to get a good shot of the white tree from the front angle where it looked white – the white branches illuminate too much and look really washed out and fuzzy. I know there HAS to be a way (the right time of day, the right angle of the sun, the right camera settings) to get a good image of it – makes me want to try again and figure out how to do it!! =)
I did NOT know they had berries. You’ll have to post pictures of those some day!
.-= Michelle Pendergrass´s last blog ..Popinjay–ALIVE =-.
I have pictures!! I’ll upload them to flickr… later. Supposedly it’s when the berries come out that they bother people’s allergies, their pollen or whatever it is in the air.
I LOVE your SOOC shot. OMG, it is amazing.
Okay, Michelle: Cedar Berries. Not a great shot but you get the idea: