We’ve made it to our first check-in.. how are you doing??

Don’t worry, if you’re just now finding this challenge, you can still just jump right in. There are still 24 days (including today) to exercise in January, plenty of time to develop an exercise habit. If you’ve been working alongside me this past week and you’re not happy with the results (missed days, diet infractions, inadequate results) don’t beat yourself up! This challenge isn’t about being perfect, it’s about building habits. And that takes time, making mistakes, overcoming them and repeating. So just get back on that workhorse and keep trying. You can do it!

One point/benefit to check-in’s is the opportunity to evaluate how you’re coming on your goals. It will give you a reference point for the upcoming week. Here’s mine:

  • Do it every day – check!
  • Blog each workout for accountability – check!
  • Develop an exercise habit – working on that, check!
  • Lose weight – CHECK!

My weigh-in results?

4 pounds! Now down to 186 pounds and counting, 51 pounds to goal weight. According to fatsecret.com, if I continue losing weight at the same rate, it will take me four  months to achieve my goal weight. I’m hoping that number will be higher next week, though, since I’ll be doing The 30 Day Shred all week long, since I’ve learned to increase my protein intake, and since this week is that week where a woman’s body saves up extra blood.. you know.. in case the body has to start nourishing a new little human life?? Which it won’t, by the way. Way back when, when I went to Weight Watcher’s meetings every week, I saw a clear pattern with me, 3 weeks of steady weight loss and a week of steady, repeat. It was really hard for me to lose weight during this week, and the Weight Watcher leader said that was normal for women. So I’m really happy with my results for this week, and hoping for more next week!

If you’d like to, won’t you please join me on www.fatsecret.com? They have a diet journal (and YES, Dawn, they can convert to WW points!), an exercise journal and weight tracker for starters. They also have recipes and the opportunity for us to support each other on our journey. You can set the level of visibility to your support buddies and everyone else, so you only have to show what you want to show. If you’d like to find me on fatsecret, look me up by email address: Amber{AT}classichousewife{dot}com. I’ll approve you and we’ll be buddies!

Now it’s your turn, write up a quick post and let me know how you are doing.

Or leave a comment if you really must, but posts are better. ; ) It doesn’t have to be long, but I’d love a place to come leave you comments and encourage you in your efforts.

Here’s to another great week!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!