by Classic Housewife

Showing: 64 - 66 of 212 RESULTS
Blogging and Memes

Come, Shoot the Breeze With Me

Hello internet! A host of interesting links await. Interesting is open to interpretation of course. 😉 This week has been pretty uneventful around here. Except for the tooth extraction that was anything BUT uneventful. TAKE CARE OF YOUR TEETH PEOPLE! Other than that, I’ve browsed around the net a bit. Here’s what I found for you. COUPONS: My*: Free Samples and Coupons Print Grocery Coupons at Penny Pinching Gazette*. …

Just Me

Christmas Shopping In October

Yes, I KNOW! It’s barely October, and here I’m talking about Christmas shopping already. But after the fiasco two years ago, last year I started working to be wiser and more accountable with my shopping expenses. Last year I was very specific with a budget, an Excel spreadsheet and tracked every penny. This year, I’ll do the same thing, but I want to start my shopping a little sooner and …

Making Home

Frugal & Easy Autumn Centerpiece

If you ask me, home decor is an important part of making our house feel homey. If you ask my husband…wall color, fancy curtains, decorations, pictures and art are “frills” that nobody really needs. After thinking about it, he probably WOULD be just fine living in a house that looks like a white padded cell or a sterile surgical room. Not me. Obviously, I don’t want to be at odds …