Another work week passes on with few to lament it’s passing. Many rejoice, embrace the coming of the new weekend, looking forward to the rest regardless of what their “work” during the week may look like, or what the previous week held either good or bad.
What about you? What did you do this week, what exciting things does this weekend hold for you? This week we installed and started using our Swtiched On Schoolhouse software, we filled our Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes and I fought through a head cold. As exciting as all that may be, this weekend finds me once again at my mom’s house to spend her 50th birthday with her. For the 3rd time in the last two weeks I made the 4 hour trek, and as I sit and write, little sounds of snoring waft from my mother’s sleeper sofa. Memories in the making. =)
Unfortunately all the traveling and activity the last two weeks interfered with getting my Shoot the Breeze posts up the last two weeks. But I’m staying up late to make it happen this week! I hope that makes up for it. =)
One BIG thing I want to tell you all about, write this down:
I’ll be celebrating the one year anniversary of Classic Housewife in conjunction with Thanksgiving, in TWO WEEKS! On November 19th. And I’m trying to plan something BIG and EXCITING. More details to come so stay tuned for those!
I did a lot of online browsing & reading this week as I worked on my blogs, my fan pages, and spent a lot of time online working on a friend’s website–but it seems I forgot to bookmark most of it! So here’s what we’ve got going on this week in the blogosphere:
- Of course you can follow me on Twitter here or here. Check out my other blog and follow them on Facebook here and here. Phew!
- Cool blog, House of Turquoise – pictures and things that are… TURQUOISE!
- 10 Awesome Homeschool Tools by Wisdom Begun
- Giveaway: Kids Book Christmas Gift Pack by Run the Earth, Watch the Sky
- 30-Day Giving Challenge by Keeping the Kingdom First
- 50% Off Holiday Photo Cards (& other holiday items) at my favorite online printing source.
- “Now, a coffee to boost men’s sexual prowess!” by Times of India – interesting.
If you’ve written something this past week that you’d like to share, link up to the McLinky list and share! Anything, anything at all – (even if it is a post sharing a bunch of links, or a post with your own McLinky.) Or perhaps you’ve read something that you think we’d all be interested in, leave a link in the comments! The whole point is just to share a little link love.
Thanks for shootin’ the breeze a bit, and have a great weekend!