Oh how I happy I am to be able to say those words in earnest! We have had the best “onset of autumn” breezes these past few days! The weather is gorgeous. Of course, this is Texas, so next week may feel like summer again, but I’m enjoying today while it lasts. Yesterday I added a fall centerpiece to my dining room table and piano. It’s pretty much all I have in the way of decorations, but I started by buying a few things last year and hope to add a few more things this year. (By the way, mom, I put the beautiful red and orange place mats back, I’ll have to buy those another day. Maybe.)

So tv premiere season is upon us!! It’s shallow, I know, but I do enjoy watching tv shows after the kids go to bed. I almost always watch tv online after it comes on. But I do sometimes like to watch premieres and finales live. As it happens, this week I watched a few live. Because I know you want to know what I thought of them, here’s my quick run-down:

I watched last week’s premiere of The Biggest Loser online at Huly and BOY was it emotional! But oh, so, inspiring. I’m looking forward to this season. I watched the premiere of House, MD live and I’m regretting that I did. Screenwriters of House – a love scene? Seriously? WHY? Needless to say I won’t be watching House live while the kids are here and awake anymore. Other than that, I thought it was “a’ight”, but lacking some serious OOMPH I’ve come to expect from season premiere episodes. The premiere of CSI: Miami was also good, but also lacking a little oomph – are they setting it up for that guy in the flashback to “return” to introduce him as a new character? Now, the premiere for CSI: Crime Scene Investigation on the other hand – THAT’s what a good premiere is made of! I’m not sure how long Sarah will stick around, but I like her being there. And did I miss Riley quitting at the end of last season, or did I forget, or was that being introduced as new information this season? I felt confused on that point. Otherwise, I really enjoyed it. Also, last week’s premiere’s of Survivor: Samoa and Fringe were both really good. Things promise to be interesting on Survivor for as long as Russell is around and I’m still pretty lost on Fringe, but really enjoying that series. It’s kinda like a modern day X-Files. Pretty cool.


Grab a warm cup of coffee, or iced tea (whichever you prefer,) pull up a chair and have a look see at what I found this week:

  • We made pumpkin waffles this week, using this recipe. I substituted part of the flour with oats and flax and used pumpkin pie spice in lieu of the individual spices. The kids loved them!
  • My friend, Kristi @ Run the Earth, Watch the Sky, penned “God’s Big Story” and is inviting anyone to print, share and use this resource with their kids. Also, grab the button and share a link in your blog sidebar.
  • I posted 7 photos on the Facebook Fan page in the album “Homeschooling”: http://bit.ly/2MDan2
  • Have teens? Have teens online? This article, “What Parents Don’t Know” shares results from parents and teens polled about about their online activities and the the discrepancies between the two.
  • Hat tip to my friend Holly for sharing the link to this hilarious news report about a bear sighting that aired on FOX 8 in Cleveland. According to his radio interview, (I tried to find a link) the reporter was disappointed in the lack of video or photographic evidence of the sighting and, forced to do the segment anyway, produced the above piece as a joke. The producer aired it without screening it, so yes, this was actually on the news!
  • I don’t know about the music he’s dancing to, but those chubby baby legs dancing and kicking – how adorable is THAT!? That’ll put a smile on your face! =)
  • I won a case of Jesus Storybook Bibles!! Hmm, who shall I share them with? With whom shall I share?! Become a fan of JSB on Facebook, and stay on top of future giveways coming soon! (I just need Big Daddy to fix the computer that’s hooked up to the printer so I can print my prize claim form!!!)
  • Yes, the government is still working on the health care reform bill but are they voting on it before their working on it?
  • Enjoy this music video, one of my favorite worship songs:

So what kinds of things did you do/find/read/write this week? Join in the conversation and share with us. I promise to read every single one of them!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!