This week’s is a themed edition: ORGANIZATION.

Oh, I do love me some organization! Some brightly colored bins, straight little buckets all in a row, a neat line of bottles or containers.

I adore it. I’m actually very good at it.. I just STINK at the part where you’re supposed to KEEP it that way.

Moving on…

I have a handy little list of organizational tips that I actually do use on a regular basis and they continue to work for me, again and again.

In the kitchen:

  1. If your kitchen cabinets are high over head and you find yourself stretching and reaching for spices or powdered sugar – organize them into baskets (common spices, seasonal spices, baking needs, etc.) that can be pulled down, dug through and then replaced. It will save your back, not to mention prevent anything from getting lost at the back of the cabinet.
  2. Under the sink: Milk crates make good bins for cleaners – it keeps the bottles together and prevents anything from getting lost in the cobwebby shadows.

In the living room:

  1. Organize your DVD’s into DVD wallets* (which allow you to keep the inserts unlike cd wallets) and chunk all those plastic cases – or even better, recycle them!
  2. Organize the books on your bookcase by size and color and you’ll have a very streamlined and pleasing appearance to your bookcase in lieu of a cluttered one.

In the bathroom:

  1. If you don’t have enough drawer space in your bathroom, stackable transparent storage containers with hinged lids can help contain all the bottles, creams, and what-nots and make it easy to find things when you need them.

In the kids’ rooms:

  1. Organize your kids’ sock and undies drawer with small baskets. One for each and if you have room, a basket for belts and/or scarves, too.
  2. Keep your kids’ sock basket orderly by buying all one kind of sock (with maybe a few exceptions with church socks for girls.) If one gets lost, it will always have a mate!

I have more, but I can’t give away all my secrets at once, now can I?! 😉

For more organizational tips, stop by WFMW at We are THAT Family!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!