Howdy, friendly blog followers, random blog goers and visitors from The Blog Hop ’09!

This is my blog.

Well, this is part of it. This is really the home page. And there are five other parts to this blog beside this one. It’s sounds complicated, doesn’t it?? Moving on…

My (online) gal pal, Robin, created this little shin dig a year ago while lamenting her (and all of our) NON-attendance to the big Blog Her conference. (I wonder, does she lament it still?) At any rate – she threw herself a pity party and invited us to join in and might I just say that it was a lot of fun!

Now me, I’m not worried about not attending any big blog conferences, (especially not right now) but I don’t mind partying away anyhow. =) And besides, Robin, has set up QUITE the shin dig this year. Seriously. So basically, you can hop over, leave your link on a list, you can browse the other links, other people can browse yours and a whole bunch of us are going to come away with prizes.

I like prizes.

So if you’re looking for some good blogs, want yours to be found, or just want some good reading to pass the time πŸ˜‰ …this’ll do it.

But before you head on over thattaway (yeah, I live in Texas can you tell?).. lemme leave you with a few good recipes. An extra bonus for party goers and non party goers alike.

I know, I know, I’m not really giving you much about me but I really wanted to keep this short and sweet. You’ve got a lot to do anyway, right? So don’t forget to bookmark my blog so you can come back later! Or better yet, subscribe and you can have it delivered straight to your favorite reader (or email inbox.) Yeah, I like that option a whole lot. Because even though I’m trying not to get all caught up in the bloggy hype, I do like readers, and I do like comments – who doesn’t? Oh! And please do follow me on Twitter?

Y’all hop away now. And come back soon!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!