Congrats to Kelly from Kelly’s Krazy Kids who correctly guessed last week’s mystery photo: Dr. Pepper.
Okay, okay, that was another easy one. Maybe I can make this week’s a bit harder?
Your clue is: Lap Warmer.
So now, have it and guess away! Remember the prize is just the satisfaction of getting it right, and the person who gets it right first gets a hat tip when I reveal the answer (next Friday when I put up the new one – it’s better that way, no?) So off you go, think about it and when you’re ready leave your guess in the comments.
No peeking at the comments first!
I know what it is boo’ful.
Yeah! I’m so glad I won!
Umm…but I have no clue what this one is! My husband thinks it’s a toaster.
Read more from Kelly on Summer Bible Study Info.
Its part of your macbook ???
I’ll go with can opener. Since you seem to have a kitchen theme going. (Is that cheating?)