Our house is old. Well, it’s not really OUR house. It’s a rent house. And old is THE UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE YEAR. But it’s our place to live, it does give us a place to sleep and we have permission to decorate and make it home. Because of our landlord’s work schedule we also take care of repairs and take it off the rent. We don’t mind at all because they’re practically famil, the rent is good and they’ve been very kind to us!

Projects like the kitchen cabinets combine a little bit of both, the decorating and the repairing. I wanted to paint them, but before I could, the lower cabinets really needed a little love. Okay, they needed a lot of love. Hard love. Basically my dad ripped the whole “face” off the front and rebuilt it, taking out a shelf (to make room for a trashcan) and adding a floor (to make it nicer.)


My dad loves me. A lot. (Because honestly, I was ready to just tack it together and glue it and paint it.)

But this is better.

So after much hammering, banging, sawing, nailing, gluing (and several German beers as payment) I have a very sturdy, functional and nice to look at cabinet under my sink.

And it’s pretty permanent – he made sure it’s not going anywhere anytime soon so I shouldn’t have to worry about anymore drawers falling apart of cabinet doors falling out.

Today, all by my little ole’ self, I conquered the palm sander (astounding I know,) sanded, primed and painted the first coat of black on my the new cabinet. It still needs a 2nd coat but you can’t really tell in the picture. Check. It. Out.


Isn’t that awesome?

It’s going to look soooo good when it’s finished!


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!