Our house is old. Well, it’s not really OUR house. It’s a rent house. And old is THE UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE YEAR. But it’s our place to live, it does give us a place to sleep and we have permission to decorate and make it home. Because of our landlord’s work schedule we also take care of repairs and take it off the rent. We don’t mind at all because …
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June 4, 2009
13 Things I’d Like to Have in My Kitchen
With the kitchen makeover going on, it seemed appropriate to do this week’s Thursday 13 with the kitchen in mind. So if money were no object (isn’t it always) here’s a list for fun of all the things I’d like to fill my redone kitchen with. {I take donations in larger bills, mainly 100’s and 50’s.} KitchenAid Stand Mixer – I’ve always wanted one of these! It “BEATS” the heck …