by Classic Housewife

Showing: 7 - 9 of 20 RESULTS
Making Home

Menu Plan Monday, March 23rd

Getting back into menu planning, THE RIGHT WAY, this week. I’ve gotten to a point where all I need to do this week is grocery shop for the ingredients I don’t have on hand and then I can shop what’s on sale and stock up on those things. It’s kind of exciting getting to that point. 🙂 So, bearing in mind what I have on hand in the pantry and …

Just Me

Will the REAL red licorice please stand up?

Red licorice is one of my favorite candies. I remember when the Twizzlers came out – I don’t remember when it was but I do remember thinking I liked the REAL red licorice better. I rarely bought Twizzlers. These days, Twizzlers are all I can find. They work to satisfy a craving and they’re alright, but.. Where has all the red licorice gone? I can’t find it at any of …