My meandering thoughts, captured in print and somewhat organized. 5 things or areas, any areas I want to focus on. This week, I’m reviewing my goals for the month of March, seeing what still needs to be done, what I can still get accomplished in the next few days. My original goals were interrupted a little by the rearranging and cleaning I had to do when I got the girls some new beds. So let’s see what’s left.
1.) My “Must-Do”s for today:
- Get school done.
- Get all the clean laundry folded and put away (about 3 baskets full.)
- Clean up the back porch.
I’m also hoping to sneak in some time for ironing 4 outfits for Big Daddy for the rest of the week as a surprise. It’ll be a huge gesture and something he won’t be able to not notice. =P
2.) My Week:
- Regular chores & school
- Sort, purge, organize box of papers on the piano (Never did get this done – still MUST get done!)
- Assemble my coupon binder.
- Prep and turn in medical forms.
With a playdate on Tuesday and a family outing on Thursday, we’ll have to see how much of this I can actually accomplish.
3.) This Month:
- Purge, reorganize filing cabinet
- Purge, organize and store away “pile o stuff” in Big Daddy’s office to make room for the exercise machine.
I’m gonna have to bump the filing cabinet to April, and after rearranging the living room, I decided not to move the exercise machine to Big Daddy’s office.
4.) Online To-Do:
- Finish blog customization for Hollie @ Groovewoman
- Finish setting up the page for my graphic design portfolio. (Done! See here!)
- Finish new blog design (Done! See here! Like my new blog? =D)
- Fix blog design for Classic Housewife – bump to April
- Submit posts for Digital Bliss. (Done! The first one is here.)
- Write post(s) for Inspired Bliss.
I’m still working on Groovewoman’s design and I’m still having writer’s block for Inspired Bliss. *sigh*
5.) Menu Planning
- Buy Sunday papers each week – I managed to buy TWO Sunday papers, out of FIVE Sundays…
- Check into getting a subscription for the paper?
- Sign up for the coupon sites Erin @ 5 Dollar Dinners recommended
- Research the stores in the nearest town, which days they have their sales, if they double/triple coupons, etc.
- Grocery shop this week for additional meat and produce to go along with all the pantry stuff we still have from last week’s shopping trip.
Well, I’m chipping away at my to do lists slowly but surely. But that’s the way to do it, right? One bite at a time.