
Thirteen Things I’m Putting in My Patio Garden

  1. (1) Red Beefsteak Heirloom Tomato plant
  2. (1) Husky Cherry Red Hybrid Tomato plant
  3. (1) Sweet 100 Hybrid Tomato plant
  4. (1) Jalapeno Pepper plant
  5. (1) Red Bell Pepper plant
  6. (1) Cilantro plant
  7. (1) Fernleaf Dill plant
  8. (a lot) Yellow Onions (they just came in this big bunch, I didn’t count them)
  9. (a lot) Red Onions (my mother in law and I split all the onions in half and shared them)
  10. (a lot) Sweet Texas White Onions (so it’s not like I’m going to have onions coming out of my ears – I hope.)
  11. (1) Strawberry plant
  12. (6) Orange Variegated Marigold
  13. (6) Yellow Marigold

I bought these when we were at Walmart the other day. The weather was sunny and warm and spring was in the air, … I felt inspired and ended up coming home with this lot of plants.

I also came home with a bird feeder, birdseed, a hummingbird feeder and some hummingbird nectar concentrate. I’ve never had bird feeders here before, so I’m going to have to experiment and find a good spot for them. Oh, and of course, the birds have to migrate back for the spring. 😛 We’ve already seen a few birds, so I think they’ve started coming in. In fact, I hear some twitters and whistles out there now. Just.. not at the bird feeder. 🙁

I have a covered back porch which gets partial sun, and an uncovered front porch which gets lots of sun, and I hope to turn both into patio gardens with various containers and pots. In addition to the things I’ve already got, I’d also like to add:

  • lettuce
  • oregano
  • mint
  • flowers that attract hummingbirds – some petunias at the very least
  • flowers that attract butterflies – apparently marigolds are, so that’s good!
  • Pansies – just because I love them
  • and maybe even a lime tree! – how cool would that be?

I can see it all in my mind’s eye. Question is… can I make it happen?

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!