by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 22 RESULTS
Just Me

CPSIA: One little law that will drastically change life as we know it.

Think I’m exaggerating? If you’ve heard of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act then you already know that I’m not. If you haven’t, imagine this: As of February 10th, every single item manufactured for children ages 12 and under — everything E-VER-Y-THING that a child MIGHT use — will be required to undergo costly testing for lead and pthalates, or be destroyed. It will be illegal to sell these items, …

Blogging and Memes

How To Blog, Part 5: Monetizing Your Blog

A series on blogging would be incomplete without at least a nod in the direction of Monetizing. It’s something most bloggers ask about at some point, it’s something many bloggers are doing right now, and it’s something that some bloggers are doing very well at. It really is possible to turn your blog into a paid income. But make no mistake, it will take work. It will be, for all …