Yesterday my hubby brought home a Kia Sedona. Not BRAND new, but only very slightly used. He’s thinking about buying it and in a couple of days we have to either return it or sign the dotted line. In the meantime I have to suffer get to drive this beautiful piece of machinery around and totally fall in love with it. AND try to pretend I’m not in love with it so that doesn’t influence our decision. (It’s marketing, people, very good marketing on their part!)

Considering a purchase like this really makes you think about the consumer mentality that our society has, the way we decide whether something is a need or a want, the way that we decide how much to spend and when. It is true, I need another vehicle, but I do I need this one? Right now? (Because, people, did I mention how lovely this one is??)

It’s funny all the kinds of different advice you can get. It really lets you see the different schools of thought for making big purchases.

I’m still not sure whether we’ll keep it or choose to wait and hold out for a better deal or a better time. Because really, it IS a good deal. That isn’t the question. That question is whether or not we should take the good deal. Still, I’ve already learned some things over the last 24 hours. Here’s what I’ve learned so far:

  1. I really do like a completely clean & empty car – I should keep my cars that way all the time. 🙂 (My dad is laughing hysterically.)
  2. I LOVE the third row. LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT. It will be hard to go back to some kind of vehicle without one. (But I can do it if I need to, right?)
  3. Not all pretty, shiny things come in felt-lined boxes.
  4. Before driving this one around, I would have been thrilled just to have a minivan, regardless of whether or not it had a cd player or a third row that folds all the way into the floor.
  5. After driving it, my admittedly selfish self doesn’t want to downgrade to a van without them.
  6. All these things are “extras.” Definitely not on the “Need to have in a replacement vehicle” list.
  7. I don’t recommend taking a vehicle home to try it out – it’s a ploy to get you to want it more – and it works!! Plus, you might fall in love and then have to give it back. (And hubs has already called it “the van I might not buy.”)
  8. A ‘really good deal’ and a ‘good deal for you’ aren’t necessarily the same thing AND “No ‘really good deal’ is worth going above your budget.”
  9. Consider the advice you get, but don’t let anyone else tell you what to do. Consider it wisely, pray about it, take your time, and make the decision you believe is right for your circumstances.
  10. Last but not least, the Kia Sedona is actually a very decent van and I would be happy to own one – if not now, perhaps later. Did I mention I adore this van?
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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!