Well, ladies, how are y’all doing? I know we haven’t had a full week yet, with October beginning on a Wednesday, but let’s have a little check-in, shall we?

The Eating

Last ‘week’ I did pretty well with eating healthy, I think. It helped that Wednesday and Thursday I had a stomach bug and didn’t eat much. It was a very mild stomach bug, though, not the kind that automatically causes you to drop 4 or 5 pounds. To be honest, I was almost a little disappointed. Almost. But then – No, not really. Phew!

I’m kind of doing a combination of counting Weight Watcher points and keeping an eye on calories and other nutritional information. I like the points system, but I’d also like to become more aware of the dietary info for different foods. I think it will only help to make wiser decisions while grocery shopping and meal preparing.

The Exercising

Okay, confession time – I didn’t do any exercise last week. Not unless you count all the housework I had to catch up on after being sick for a couple of days. The first two days I didn’t feel well, and then after that I felt like I had to bust my booty to catch up on the cleaning, because a messy house is just SO unmotivating. Today is another exercise day, though. Another day, another chance.

The Weigh-In

Weighing in is going to be a little inaccurate for me. The electronic scale I used to have started acting funny, even after a battery change, so I’m using an old spring scale a friend gave me, which isn’t very precise. Given that, and the fact that your weight varies a little from day to day (even when losing weight), I could weigh one thing today, a pound more tomorrow, a pound less the next day, and seem to be moving all over the place. Once I begin losing even more weight though, it will be undeniably apparent.

Having said that, my official weigh-in this morning? 178 lbs. Down 2 pounds. (Is that me or the scale? Who cares! Take it and bust your butt to make sure it sticks!!)

Online Resources

Below you’ll find this list of online resources for counting calories, menu planning, recipes, etc. I know there are more, I just didn’t want to spend all my time online, sitting on my tushy! If you have a favorite online tool that you use, tell me about it and I’ll add it to the list!

  • Calorie Control Council – Calorie Calculator, Get Moving Calculator, BMI Calculator, Recipes, and more.
  • Nutrition.gov – Nutrition.gov has a weight loss section with some online tools and resources including the MyPyramid Tracker and menu planner.
  • FitWatch – FitWatch not only has the online tools, but also inspiring and educating articles to boot!
  • The Daily Plate – has all of the above and an online food journal and fitness log.

More Info

  • Get the details about this challenge HERE.
  • Join the challenge HERE.
  • Follow me on Twitter or subscribe to my blog feed to find out when helpful links are posted.

Joining In:

If you’re joining in and writing a first weigh-in post (even if you do it later in the week,) leave me a comment and I’ll add your name here.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!