G Major Music Theory offers (among other things) free downloadable music theory workbooks suitable for high school aged students, though you may be able to use some of it with children even younger. The first three or four chapters (divided into smaller weekly lessons and then practiced and reviewed before moving on) would make a nice music curriculum for younger grades. The music theory series, which he calls “Pathways to …
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August 2008
Ancient History Links
I recently met a very nice lady online, Mrs. Abbinanti – who teaches a 6th grade social studies class where they study ancient history. Mrs. Abbinanti has a wonderful website for her class where she has compiled a large selection of
Cool Math Algebra
If your child is ready to move on to algebra, CoolMath.com offers a series of Algebra 1 lessons online (they also have pre-algebra, algebra 2 and pre-calculus!) The lessons don’t come across as boring and they provide periodic opportunities to practice what you’ve learned.