by Classic Housewife

Showing: 13 - 15 of 26 RESULTS
Faith and God

And My Only Safety Net Was God…

3:30 a.m. I should be sleeping. But I’m not. Adrenaline does that. It’s funny that way. It’s tornado season in Texas. And we’d been under a warning all day long. Many other counties nearby had been hit, but our little county had been spared. Until about 2:45 a.m… I awake to a slight noise. It’s my sweet little boy calling for me. I make it as far as the living …

Our School

WFMW – Homemade Saxon Math

Ideally, if all things came together and the stars aligned and a magic fairy waved her wand and zapped my school supplies,… I’d be teaching Princess with a Saxon 2 Math book right now. Alas, as the stars did not align, no fairy waved her wand, and God chose to bless me with an extra dose of ingenuity in lieu of plopping a book in my lap…here’s what we came …

Blogging and Memes

Wednesday Link Love

14 year old girl gives birth in Junior High bathroom and then attempts to flush the baby down the toilet. 2 Year Old Singing The Lord’s Prayer Terry at Ornaments of Grace ponders the issue of modesty. Jennifer at Et Tu? writes about our “Daily bread, for the next twenty years.” My pastor shares this clip of Obama: Punished With A Baby?