Another busy week behind me, another busy week ahead of me, my to do list is always full – but if I do it all to glorify God, serving my family is a joy instead of a chore. So here goes!


1.) Bible Study: Morning devotions using this site to study my bible chronologically. Also, catching up on the sermon I missed this Sunday via podcast and working on scripture memorization. (Yes, I missed another one! The kids caught colds last weekend and are still SICK. 🙁 )

2.) “MUST Do” List:

  • Stick to my daily schedule (as God allows) for morning devotions, taking care of the home and home-schooling.
  • Finish organizing papers & bills, especially taking care of the Action pile. – Didn’t work on that at all last week, and now it’s to the point that I HAVE to get it ALL done THIS week. *sigh*
  • Finish organizing Princess’ worksheet binder for school. (I didn’t get this done last week either, but I’m striking it from the list til next week considering the previous task.)
  • Make more laundry soap!! (I have enough left for one more load!)
  • Iron Big Daddy’s clothes for each day, as a labor of love.

3.) Taking Care of My Home:

Daily Chores and then focus on these areas for weekly chores:

  • Monday – Kitchen; Wash Lights
  • Tuesday – Dining Room; Wash Darks
  • Wednesday – Living Room; Wash Towels & Little Prince’s Bedding
  • Thursday – Master Bedroom & Bathroom; Wash Lights & Master Bedding
  • Friday – Kids’ Rooms; Wash Darks & Girls’ Bedding
  • Saturday – Wash Whites; Kids’ Bathroom; Clean Up Yard/Car

4.) Training My Children:

  • Daily basics (Math, Grammar, Handwriting, Spelling, Reading)
  • History – I’ve decided to hang out on Ancient Greece another week.
  • Science – More about plants. Did do science, but didn’t plant any seeds to grow last week, will try to get to that this week.
  • Life Lessons from the Princess and the Kiss


5.) Menu Plan Monday:

There were a lot of substitutions and switcheroos last week and some things are still available for this week:

  • Monday – Cereal & Fruit; Leftovers & Veggies; Granola Bars & Fruit; Family Casserole & Salad
  • Tuesday – Biscuits & Gravy & Turkey Bacon; Baked Potato Supremes; Cottage Cheese & Fruit; Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo & Veggies
  • Wednesday: Cereal; Homemade Lunchables; Pop Tarts & Fruit; Meatloaf, Veggies, Cornbread
  • Thursday: Oatmeal & Fruit; Tuna Salad & Crackers, Veggies & Ranch; Granola Bars & Fruit; Crock Pot Pork Loin & Veggies
  • Friday: Cereal & Fruit; Ultimate Grilled Cheese Sandwiches & Sliced Veggies; Cottage Cheese & Fruit; Homemade Pepperoni/Combo Pizzas, Salad, Homemade Cherry Limemades
  • Saturday – Biscuits, Gravy, Turkey Bacon, Fruit; Black Bean Quesadillas; Fruit Smoothies; Spaghetti, Salad, Homemade Italian Bread
  • Sunday – Cereal; Crockpot Stew & Bread Machine Corn Bread; Pop Tarts & Fruit; Hamburgers, Pickles, Chips

Monday Meanderings is hosted by Tiany and Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura. Thanks ladies!


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!