Hello, bloggy people! I’ve got some interesting tidbits for you today. The weather here is beautiful so grab a seat on the porch and a lemonade and stay a while.

First up, the Ultimate Blog Party is coming to an end. They’ll be drawing prizes soon, so if you haven’t checked that out yet, you’ve still got a little time but not much! In case you missed it, yes I did have a big “reveal” this week, and I’m now signing my posts with my name – woohoo! I’m confusing people a little, but I’m sure y’all will get used to seeing it soon. Also, I’ve already introduced you to a few new people, but here’s a few more:

  • Cindy at Go Workout Mom has a neat little website chalk-full of information about exercising, ideas for exercising, you name it. I’m adding her to my Google Reader in hopes that she’ll inspire me to exercise more. Well, it’s worth a shot. She also has a giveaway on the list of prizes for the UBP.
  • Rebecca at Fun and Free Giveaways has crafted a pretty little site for -yup- GIVEAWAYS! I like giveaways. 🙂 ‘Nuff said.
  • Alyssa at Life From My Laptop visited my blog party this week and after visiting her blog, she looks like a very interesting person to get to know. We have several things in common, but also enough differences to keep things interesting. Check her out, I think you’d like to meet her, too.

My mom sent me a neat video this week, called “The Watchmaker.” I love the narrated poem, which tells a story for young children about creation and design by God. Additionally, their main website, Kids 4 Truth is full of more vidoes, devotions and information about missionaries and overall looks like a very neat website. I’m adding it Princess’ bookmark folder of approved websites.

I’ve been spending a lot of time working on my other blog this week and doing a lot of information gathering as well. Increasing readership has never been a main focus for this blog, though I do enjoy meeting new bloggy friends. In fact, I’ve always tried to avoid spending too much time on here. However, my intent with Imperishable Beauty is different so I’ve been reading up on tips for writing well, crafting a good website, building readership, etc. Check out these informative and easy-to-read articles if you, too, are considering setting up a business-related blog. (Most of them were found via Blogging Basics 101.)

Also, several of you have asked about my 12 Days of Easter. You can find my original post here. I’ve written further about this here. Also, my friend Katie has been writing about Easter all week.

That’s it for this week. God Bless!


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!