Howdy! It’s time for the Ultimate Blog Party – a party where our assignment is to “throw a party that showcases your blog and your style.” So that’s just what I’ll do. Oh! But there’s a twist.
About a year and four months ago, I created this blog and I have used an alias since day 1. But now… I’m going to “come out of the Closet of Anonymity.” Seriously? Oh, yes. I’d probably keep going if I wasn’t opening up my store. But since I am, I think it might be better for customers to see that they are buying things from a real person and not an alias. Besides which, Big Daddy just released his e-book with his name plastered ALL OVER IT.
I’m going to tell you my name. Yay!
But there’s a catch. (Of course there is right?)
Basically, by this end of this party post, you’ll know a little bit more about me, and you’ll get to leave a guess in the comments. Should I give multiple choices? Hmm. Perhaps. Obviously if you already know me, MUM IS THE WORD. I mean it. SHUSH.
So let’s party already! (It’s about time, right?) So grab some hors d’oeuvres and mingle.
All right, so if you wanna get to know me then there is one main thing that you must know about me – I LOVE JESUS! My favorite passage is Psalm 18 and my favorite verse is..I don’t have ONE favorite verse – there’s too many! Here’s a few posts that I have written that reflect my relationship with my Lord:
- The Spiritual Overhaul of Change
- My God is So Big
- Thirteen Things I Am Thankful For
- Vacuuming In Circles – Is It Biblical?
Secondly, I love my family! I am so thankful for the wonderful family that God has given me. Since I don’t post their faces on here, I can’t show you but I promise they are just adorable! And I’m not just saying that because I’m their mom. It can be really stressful at times, but I enjoy being home with my children all day while I homeschool them and taking care of the home and taking care of my hubby – It means a lot to me.
All right, so for something a little more fun…I like games. I like games that make you think. I like classics like Tetris, I like Sodoku, and I like word games such as Bookworm, Scrabble (or Literati), Crossword and Word Search Puzzles. Does that make me a little bit of a nerd? (Go ahead, play along. Each of those links takes you to a free online game. Woo-hoo!)
I love music. Love it, love it. I love to sing, write songs, and play guitar – and though I’m still a beginner, I just love to play around at it. My favorite band of all time is Third Day. Want some videos to watch? Here, have a ball!
Ah yes, I love music. I’m definitely an artsy type. And you know that whole stereotype about artsy, creative people being messy? Yup. I really want to be organized. I tingle at the sight of an organized row of matching baskets, colorful containers, or visually balanced bins – especially if that are labeled! Call me crazy. But since my artistic right brain is only slightly more dominant than my organized left brain…I think this is why my messy habits are always at war with my organizing habits. Or perhaps it’s because I don’t really like to clean. Either way.
Here – find out whether you are left or right brained. It may or may not mean any thing. But hey, who doesn’t like a good quiz?
Speaking of creating.. do you know I make my own laundry soap, and dishwasher soap? I’m hoping to learn to make something else soon, too. Maybe hand soap. I’m a beginner sew-er (that’s not a word) but I figure I’ll get better with practice. I’m also starting my own business, Imperishable Beauty, in which – you guessed it – I make and sell things. I’m hoping my left brain is left-brained enough to help me with the finance end of things!
Okay, one more. I am neither a girly girl, nor a tomboy. Actually, I’m a little bit of both. My favorite color is pink and I like sparkly and shiny things. My favorite kind of shoes are high-heeled strappy sandals – of course with pink or red nailpolish!! I have my ears pierced three times and I have long, layered hair that I like to fix and wear down. However, my hair is almost always in a ponytail, I’m usually wearing jeans and tennis shoes, and I rarely ever wear any earrings at all. On the other hand, I am trying to remember to at least wear mascara and lip gloss on a daily basis because it just makes my day feel better.
Okay, so now that you know that I am a tomboyish, girly, artistic, messy, organized wannabe, soap-makin’, homeschooling, nerdy, loud-singin’, guitar-playin’ Jesus Freak from Texas (yeah, I didn’t specifically mention that one)… now it’s time to play “Name That Blogger.” I’ve decided to give you multiple choices. It only seems fair. But I’m going to give you seven. No particular reason, I just like the number seven. It seems… complete. Here goes.
Do you think my name is:
- Ashley
- Angela
- Ann
- Abigail
- Amber
- Alyson
- Amanda
- 45 — Custom Blog Design
Provided by: Summer - 62 — Boca Beth Bilingual Beginner Set
Provided by: The Boca Beth Program - 67 — Blog Makeover
Provided by: Shauna - 44 — Jump Start World 1st Grade
Provided by: Mom Reviews - 36 — Marketing for Entrepreneurs
Provided by: Lis Garrett - 8 — 50 Nights of Family Fun
Provided by: Essential Family Living - 59 — $25 Cash
Provided by: Lori - 34 — Custom Tutu
Provided by: Live~Love~Dance Boutique - 50 — 12 Basic Boutique Bows
Provided by: - 58 — Customized 6 Week Fitness Plan
Provided By: Cindy Posey, Go Workout Mom
i am interested to learn more about this soap making you do… guess i will be checking back in later. happy blog party!
I was going to say Amanda, but I looked and saw that it’s not!
Anyway, welcome out of the world of anonymity and I hope that your store does fabulous! =)
Now I know why my house seems to always seem to be unorganized…creative people unit!
Nice to meet you, Amber!
I would have guessed Amanda, because that is my name.
Great party post!
happy UBPartying!! hope you’r having fun!! i just noticed the name of your blog background is mistylook… and i did!! i’m misty and i looked! lol
I’m guessing your name is Amber, but that’s only because my high school best friend’s name was Amber. I figure it’s a good a reason as any to guess it. LOL!
I love your blog title name! It’s great… and you’ve shared so much of yourself. I will definitely be back to catch up with you and see what’s new… it’s so much fun getting to know new people and through a party as well! Yippeee! Third Day is one of my favorite bands as well – have you ever heard of Newsboys? They’re my fav!
Anywho… my oldest son is learning the guitar as well! He is just lovin it.
God Bless, HL
Great blog. Will be sure to stop back by. I think I am seriously interested in your hubby’s ebook. Please stop by my party to watch my good-bye video!
I loved reading all about you. It was great meeting you and I’ll be back!
Great party. I am an artsy person, too. And I’m not organized and do not like to clean. I think my right brain dominates my left, also. Now, before I click on the updated results, I want to guess your name. I am guessing either Ann or Alyson…….. Let see if I’m right.
PS – I would love for you to come party with me.
I guess I’m wrong. Nice to me you Amber
I’m guessing Angela. My Mom almost named me that. I like your blog and your love for jesus.
[…] 90. Deana the Frugal Eco-Mama 91. Seven 92. Mocha with Linda 93. Melissa in Mel’s World 94. Proverbs 31 Bringing Good Home 95. Amber 96. 97. Monica @ Daily Dwelling 98. Melissa in Mel’s World […]
My guess is Amanda. Is it?
Have fun!
Nice to meet you! I have a passion for Jesus, love word games & tetris, would be interested in making my own laundry soap. I have a pink Hello Kitty guitar that I am learning how to play. I am the girly girl fantasy with the tomboy reality.
I’m looking forward to bedtime so I can take a peak around your shop.
Nice to meet you Amber! You have a very nice blog! I love being a blogger and all the benefits…especially meeting new people~
Stop by sometime!
I guess ‘Angela’
I’m guessing Alyson, only because it’s spelled very differently then how I would spell it if I were to put it on a list to be guessed. Did that make any sense lol!
tomboyish – not so much girly – pretty much artistic – very much messy – only when being artsy (my husband would disagree because I like to make projects and leave piles undone for weeks – or months) organized wannabe – pretty much (aside from the aformentioned piles) soap-makin’ – definately not homeschooling – AMEN, SISTER nerdy – Certainly am! loud-singin’ – yep guitar-playin’ – not me, but my mom is a piano teacher – does that count? Jesus Freak – Double AMEN from Texas – GREAT place to be from, ‘ain’t it?! I think your name is Alyson… or… Read more »
I think your name is Angela…
Thanks for the fun and interesting contest.
I am torn between Angela and Amber. I will guess Amber. Great party.
Inviting you to party with me!
Win Chocolates:
Win a handmade pocket place mat:
Join me this month at A Cup of Joy for Missions Month:
mmmm. You look like either an Abygail or Angela to me. I’ll go with Angela.
What a beautifully crafted blog you have here…I am so glad to meet you and can’t wait to hang out here a bit longer.
Stop by Mel’s World when you get some time…it’s so nice to meet you!
I’m guessing your name is Amanda. We seem to have alot in common. I went and took the brain test. I too am right brained….lets see I’m artistic, organized wanna be, I’m a nut for word games, I’m a nerd, I love Jesus. If you want to find out more visit my blog. I’m partying this week too!
[…] 9, 2008 by proverbs31 What a trip! Imagine my shock and surprise when within an hour the first person guessed and picked the correct […]
I am guessing……Abigail
It’s been a while since I’ve been by… I guess I’m like the relative you only see at all of the high holidays.
I’d like that dishwasher soap recipe…
Loved your post… I’m guessing Abigail (just because it’s my little one’s middle name).
Tammy :):):)
I enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to getting to know you.
I think your name is Alyson :).
And know what? When I posted to your OLD party post I wondered why you had the other logo up, lol. Duh….READ THE DATE WOMAN!
I’ve read several party posts and I’m wondering if I didn’t reveal enough, you know?
Thanks for giving me the link to THIS post and I’ll be back…you’re pretty doggone diverse, and I L I K E that artsy Jesus-freakish side of you ;).
hello (again)! I just got my link put up at the 5MFM website on Mr. Linky. I’m glad they got the site up and running! did you get yours up yet?
have a great day! ~Lisa
Hello Fellow Blog Party Mom! I love your flowing description. It’s fun and the way I think three quarters of the time. It drives my husband nutty. I’m gonna guess your name is Ann.
It’s a blast going around and meeting everyone.
Great site! I also had the Tutu on my list!
Beautiful site! I love the banner!
God bless….
What a great party! Your heart really comes through in your writing!
I’m so glad I stopped by…
Hmmmmmm…..I’m thinking ‘Amanda’ is it! Is it? Did I guess right??
I will say LOUISE because that was the name you “chose” for yourself at about 4 or 5 years old!
Nope, I think you are an Angela – thanks for having us and enjoy the rest of your week!
Can I guess your name? – hee hee – just kidding – that wouldn’t be very fair! I am glad you are revealing your name though because it is so hard for me not to address you by your name when I am commenting to you!
What a cool party post
I like the style of it. This is my first year joining in on the ultimate blog party – so i stayed up til 12 to put my link up. Grr – can’t get into the 5 minutes for mom’s site at all. I guess everyone in the US had the same thought i did – and we all blew their servers apart logging onto their site! I found your party post by googling “ultimate blog party”. I’ve put your blog on my favorites and will stop back by tomorrow to read some more..… Read more »
This is the first time meeting you but I’m guessing Amber.
Guess what? My favorite color is pink, too! Pink is the new black! LOL!
Hi! I’m going to guess your name is Ann. We have a family in our church with five girls and all their names begin with A. They’re having a sixth girl and running out of A names.
We are a homeschooling family also and my favorite color is pink! I use an alias on my family blog and thought about using my real name for my business, though I would probably start a new blog if I did that.
It’s nice to meet you. Hope I picked the right name!
Hello, I really enjoyed reading your blog. It was very interesting. I hope you do well with your new shop. And I guessing at your name: Amber…
Hey best wishes for new endeavours!!! I love music too
Enjoyed your blog
I’m guessing Amber, too!
Lots of info on your blog. I’m looking forward to coming back to visit. Please feel free to stop by my blog and visit for a bit.
I am guessing Angela!
You have a lovely blog, enjoy the party
Nice meeting you.