This month I have been working on reorganizing my kitchen (as a part of Laura’s Organizing Round Up, but I intended to work on it at this point anyway.)

This week I tackled the project of making a basket for the top of my refrigerator. I had two open weave plastic baskets up there (like miniature laundry baskets) but I decided that whereas see-through baskets are usually preferable, in this case I actually want an opaque basket. It’s all a part of the bigger picture and it will all make sense when I get to the point of writing my “Round-Up” post.

Originally I intended to go to the Dollar Tree and buy a new basket for the top of my fridge (love the DT!). But then I walked into my bedroom and saw this:


Somebody gave it to us and I didn’t really like the fake flowers in it but I did see potential for the basket so I hung onto it. Aren’t you glad I did? 😀 Unfortunately, the Styrofoam was hot glued in the bottom of the basket so first I had to spend twenty minutes a few scraped knuckles do this:


And then I decided to line it with some spare fabric I had (also free, included in a big tub of spare fabric from my costume-designing mother-in-law), so then on day 2 I did this:


And viola! There’s my new refrigerator basket!! On day 3, I cleared the top of my fridge and put a handful of selected items inside the basket up on top and put all the other things away in their homes (or the trash can, whichever that may be.) It looks so nice up there. You’ll see when I do my “Round-Up” post with all areas in my kitchen that I’m decluttering and reorganizing.

Tackle It Tuesday is hosted by 5 Minutes For Mom!


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!