getfit2.jpgI’m very excited about this week’s Getting Fit post! I’m not really sure if the scale moved (it’s an “old-fashioned” spring scale, not some new-fangled fancy digital one), but I measured for the first time since I began this journey to a healthier me and I have lost a whole inch in my waist and a half inch in my hips. The scale may not be doing much, but at least the tape measure is providing some encouragement. I’ve got to get back on the exercise horse now that we’re all well and I can start getting enough sleep at night again.

This week I kept working on drinking more water, watching my salt intake, and keeping a better eye on my calorie intake. One of my biggest problem areas occurs after dinner. I get very “snack-y” late at night before I go to bed. Since there’s usually at least four hours between dinner and my bedtime, I definitely need to make sure I handle late night snacks. One thing I have been doing is having a slim-fast optima shake when I get hungry, because it’s a under my 300 calorie allowance and it also helps curb my hunger so that I don’t continue to snack more afterward.

However, sometimes I really have a particular craving. I’ve been making the chocolate chip granola bars whenever I have a really strong craving for something sweet… but what do I make when I have a craving for something salty and crunchy? Believe it or not, I secretly have an obsession for Ranch Dorito Chips. I know, it’s weird. I love cookies and cakes, but whereas I could not sit down and a whole bag or box of sweets, I could eat an entire bag of Ranch Doritos in one sitting. I don’t. But I could. I need some kind of healthy substitute for when I want something salty and and savory and crunchy. And I’m open to suggestions. For although I’m laying off the Doritos right now, it’s driving me crazy to not have something crunchy when I really want some crunchy. No, carrot sticks and ranch aren’t quite the same, sorry. So you think about it and I’ll keep thinking about it and in the meantime I’ll just keep chewing my fingernails and twitching through the withdrawals. Kidding! Chewing your fingernails is a very bad habit. 🙂

My goals for the upcoming week is to fit in at least 3 exercise sessions, wear my pedometer daily, and keep focusing on the sleep, water and salt. “Just do it!” =)

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!