by Classic Housewife

Showing: 4 - 6 of 99 RESULTS
Making Home

WFMW: Potatoes

Shannon at Rocks In My Dryer has offered up this question for bloggy consideration: On one of those days, which surely we must all have, where the day hasn’t gone as planned, there is next to nothing in the pantry, take-out and sandwiches are out, and hey let’s just add in a sick child and husband on the way home for good measure… what do you fix? What is your …

Making Home

The Closet Challenge

This is Laura’s third organizational challenge and my third to participate in. How fun! This may seem last minute since I haven’t posted about it until now. The truth is that I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to participate this time. I knew I wouldn’t be able to do a large project. I finally decided to pick a small project that I needed to do so …


Getting Ready For Advent, A Tackle

Usually Advent sneaks up on me. I’m just trucking along, stuffing my face with turkey and dressing when suddenly look up and realize the calendar just flipped over to December 1st. Okay, that may be a little bit of an exaggeration but it sure feels that way! So this year I determined to be on the ball. My plan this year was to try to do something, even something little, …