by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 5 RESULTS
Making Home

Cuz My Momma’s The Bestest

And if you don’t believe me, then why did I get one of these for Christmas? See? My momma is just the bestest! Oh yeah, and my dad, too, I suppose. 😛 I have wanted a bread machine for A WHILE so imagine my surprise and delight when I found this under my tree on Christmas morning. To: us, From: my parents. Cool! I’ve got a loaf of bread baking …

Just Me

Come Shoot The Breeze With Me & Thrifty Thursday

It’s the Christmas Edition! I have Christmas and Advent on the brain so I wanted to see what kind of Christmas freebies were floating around on the internet. I’ve even switched my blog theme to something kind of holiday-reminiscent. Like the red? But first.. we’ve been getting into the spirit of Christmas (that would be a worshipful spirit, you know between the sibling rivalry and the messes) while doing our …