by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 10 RESULTS
Just Me

Come Shoot The Breeze With Me…

A few things going on here, there, and all over. Enjoy. Last week, Drama Queen turned FOUR! Yay! We had a lot of fun…She had a friend come spend the night with her and then she had a dress up party the next day. The theme was Charlie & Lola but with there being no Charlie & Lola birthday party supplies we focused on fun & butterflies and we made …


12 Days of Easter – Our New Family Tradition

Today is the 1st Day of our new tradition: “The 12 Days of Easter.” What is that? you may ask? Lemme ‘splain. It all started last Easter with a certain dissatisfied feeling that I couldn’t really sort out. I knew going into Easter that I didn’t like any of our current traditions. Nothing was really BAD or WRONG about them. They just didn’t seem RIGHT enough. I didn’t know what …


WFMW – Kitty/Doggy Faces

Works for Me Wednesday: Kitty & Doggy Faces Have I got a tip for you! A golden, magic, cure-all for anything, 99-cent-from-the-dollar-store tip for almost any occasion! It’s my little secret… but now it’s yours. 😉 That secret is: giving your kids a kitty cat (or doggy) face with a cheap eye liner pencil. Yup. That’s right. I use this as behavior control: At the doctor’s office I’ll toss a …