
It seems that Thursday Thirteen is coming to an end. There’s a possibility of it coming back or of some people still continuing to do it, but for the most part this is the last one. I actually planned on doing a first ever for me Thankful Thursday theme today, but in light of this news I thought I would combine the two and do a Thankful Thursday Thirteen. (There I go breaking the rules again.) 😉

Since I just recently posted 3 things I am thankful for and since that included God, my family, and my church…I’ll just pick up where that list left off.

1.) I am thankful for my little bible. It’s the perfect size to carry around with me everywhere I go and the cover is beautiful.

2.) I am thankful for a so-far flu-less flu season. (Which is compliments of God’s protection only- no flu shots for us this year.)

3.) I am thankful for shelter over my head and good landlords, forgiving landlords.

4.) I am thankful for warmer weather.

5.) I am thankful for the small town that I live in and the blessings that come from living in a small town.

6.) I am thankful for Princess who has taught me to be girly.

7.) I am thankful for Drama Queen who has taught me how important it is to learn to control my anger (and teach them in turn to control theirs.)

8.) I am thankful for Little Boy, the boy I didn’t even know I wanted, who is teaching me to enjoy ‘mess’ … and then clean it up.

9.) I am thankful for Big Daddy who goes off to work everyday to provide for us.

10.) I am thankful for my accountability partner, who is a huge blessing, and whom God is using to teach me many things.

11.) I am thankful for conveniences like hot water, air conditioning, and a car – things I often take for granted.

12.) I am thankful for luxuries like tv, phone and internet!

13.) I am thankful for friends I can call when I need to.

I am thankful that I could easily keep going, and I am thankful to God for all these blessings and more. 🙂 What are you thankful for? Here’s what Iris at Sting My Heart is thankful for. And here’s a few Thursday Thirteeners as well: alisonwonderland, This Mom’s Journey, Suspension of Disbelief, An Ordinary Mom, and Scribbit.

Have a blessed day!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!