by Classic Housewife

healthy habits body unit study preschool homeschool
Leftovers Preschool

Healthy Body Homeschool Unit Study: Helping My Strong-Willed 4-Year-Old Build Healthy Habits

Healthy Habits, Healthy Body If you’ve ever tried to convince a very opinionated 4-year-old to brush their teeth, wash their hands, or eat a vegetable — you already know the struggle. I know it well, too. (And this is why we now have the Healthy Body Homeschool Unit Study.) Lil Miss Mouse (our sweet and spunky 4-year-old) is full of life, imagination, and a strong will. And while I absolutely …

Paper Chain Thanksgiving Post

Countdown to Thanksgiving!

The last two months of the year are my FAVORITE months of the whole entire year! Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas… not to mention sweater weather, fireplaces, hot chocolate, and fuzzy socks. It’s the coziest season of all. Now that Lil’ Miss Mouse is 4, she’s participating in traditions that she will possibly remember into her adulthood. But also, if you’ve ever had a 4 year old you’ll understand, she’s in that …