by Classic Housewife

Showing: 4 - 6 of 6 RESULTS
Just Me

When ya don’t got rain, make some!

Yes, it took me 5 Whole Seconds to come up with that lovely example of grammatical perfection you’ll find in that there title. =p A few days ago (5 to be exact,) we thought we might actually get a little helping of rain as a storm moved through our area of Texas. Inspired by Robin’s impromptu dance in the rain, and then Michelle’s example that followed, I asked the girls …

Just Me

10 Things To Do This Summer

Summer boredom? Whiny kids? Running out of ideas? How about a list of TEN FUN THINGS to do this Summer?! Make your own craft and art supplies. Make chalk, paint, facepaint, goop, slime, you name it. Not only does it occupy them while they’re making something, but it gives them something to do afterward also. And it’s usually very economical too! For some craft and art recipes, check out this post …


WFMW – Children’s Calendar

“Momma! What are we going to do tomorrow?” “Momma! When is ballet?” “Mmooooommmmaaa… is tomorrow church?” Isn’t it amazing how children everywhere know how to say “Momma” with just the right tone of voice, pitch, and volume to make a mother cringe instantly? Depending on how they wield that wordly weapon they can make you want to run or hide or raise your blood pressure in a heartbeat. Every mother …