What’s that number one thing that most parents tell you at one point or another? Yep – time flies. They tell you time will pass faster than you think it will, and they are not wrong. This is neither good nor bad, it’s just the way it is. As long as you have spent that time well, that’s what matters most. And one day you look up and it’s time for …
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homeschooling in texas
Homeschooling High School
When my oldest daughter was almost three, we started thinking about homeschooling. My husband had some experience with homeschool; we had many friends who intended or already were homeschooling. I had some college under my belt for elementary education, thinking that God was calling me to teach (but not really having a specific plan for that.) My happy, chubby-cheeked, golden-curled toddler was well behaved, curious and delightfully obedient. I wasn’t …