Nobody tells you how many brain cells you’ll be losing at homeschool graduation time. For the past month we’ve been working toward this final goal and here we are in the very last leg of this marathon. We are so close…. to losing our marbles. WHY? WELL LET ME TELL YOU… We’re Graduating Mid-Year Back in May when my husband asked if we could graduate Catie early, I told …
homeschooling in texas
Online Resources and Help for Homeschooling in Texas
Online Resources and Help for Homeschooling “And now,.. the end is near..” (I feel like “My Way” is kind of appropriate, don’t you feel?) The final bit of information I have to share for this series, is a list of resources and help for homeschooling that you may find useful as you navigate homeschooling–especially in the area of high school and graduation. A lot of this is generic information that will help …
Homeschooling in Texas: Teaching Texas History
If you’re homeschooling in Texas, there’s a good chance you’re going to be teaching Texas History! I frequently see homeschool moms looking for a good curriculum. There are quite a few out there, but many of them are designed to be taught in a classroom or co-op group. I’ve already compiled a ginormous teaching Texas History resource for you. But it really is ginormous, there’s a lot to dig through, and there are a …