by Classic Housewife

Showing: 10 - 12 of 27 RESULTS
Holidays School at Home

Thanksgiving Activities for Middle Schoolers

  It can be difficult to find good resources and activities for middle schoolers. It’s easier for preschool, kindergarten. . . everything up through third or fourth grade.  But you start getting in to those middle years and it does become more of a challenge. Why do you think that is? Thanksgiving Activities for Middle Schoolers I’ve noticed that “Middle School” has a wide variety of interpretations for different people–usually …

Leap Year Study Homeschool
School at Home

Homeschool Leap Year Study

Homeschool Leap Year Study Just a quick post to ask: “Why do we have a leap year? How does it work?” Of course *I* know the answer, but what about our kids? I googled and found a few quick resources for a leap year study. (No, seriously, these are pretty quick, and this might possibly be my shortest blog post ever.) 😉 Youtube Videos About Leap Year I love YouTube …