Hello, ladies!! It’s that time of year again and can I just say – I’m So Excited. I love the Ultimate Blog Party as much (if not more) than I love the Bloggy Giveaways. It’s just a blast. A true blast! Through past UBP’s I’ve “Met” Robin and Lisa and who knows who else? It’s a load of fun.
So if you’re here from the party – welcome! (Stick around there’s a door prize!!) If you’re not, go check it out! Why? BECAUSE THERE ARE PRIZES PEOPLE. Oodles and oodles of prizes. And you don’t have to be a blogger to win them, either. They’re non-discriminatory. Well, unless you’re a guy. Unfortunately for y’all, the UBP is a Girl Thang. Sorry, guys. Hey, guess what guys? Y’all are welcome, too! It ain’t just a Girl Thang anymore!
I won’t keep y’all long because I KNOW there are tons of other party-goers to go meet! For fun, I thought I’d post some random things about me – things I had to come up with when I got tagged on Facebook a while back. I’d intended to post them at that time, but never did so I guess they’ll make good party conversation, right?
25 Random Things About Me
- I nearly drowned in a lake when I was 4. I saw a boy go under water and so, standing in waist deep for me water, I did too. I did NOT know I was supposed to hold my breath, started flailing, floated sideways and couldn’t stand up for I dunno how long. Ok, so I don’t know how much danger I was REALLY in but it scarred me for life and kept me from learning to swim until I was 12. The memory is still very vivid.
- I also nearly drowned at Wet’N’Wild in the 8th grade when someone accidentally pushed me under in the wave pool and every time I came back up for air I got swallowed by another wave. I actually got rescued by the lifeguard. All my friends wanted to know if he was cute but I’d been so scared I couldn’t even tell you what he looked like.
- And yet I love swimming. But only in clear backyard pools.
- I’ve never been to the ocean.
- As a young girl, I used to dream of being a ballerina, or an ice skater. Whichever.
- I never took dance and blame my bad dancing skillz on that single fact.
- If walls could talk they’d tell you that I dance around my house while cleaning all-the-time. Mostly copying ballet-ish-like moves that I cannot name.
- By the time I got to junior high I no longer wanted to be a dancer, I wanted to be a singer, and give concerts and sell albums. But I never admitted that to anybody because I felt foolish.
- By the time I started college, I still wanted to sing and I started writing songs, too. I also spoke spanish fluently and thought that perhaps God intended to use me in music ministry in a spanish speaking country.
- I can barely navigate conversational spanish these days. It’s true what they say, if you don’t use it, you lose it.
- I wrote my first song around 4th or 5th grade. I don’t remember what it said, but it was about God and I remember singing it for my friends at a First Baptist Church lock-in I was invited to. They liked it so much that a few of us sang it for the group the next day in a little mini talent show thing. I don’t remember writing any more until High School.
- I have never been on a mission trip.
- I almost went on a mission trip to Mexico in the 8th grade, but cancelled it for some family event. I think I would have liked it.
- I’d still like to go on a mission trip to Mexico some day, after the kids are older. I don’t feel drawn to go right now, and oddly enough, I don’t feel drawn to go anywhere else, either. But God could change that, who knows?
- Also, Mexican food is MY FAVE – but I’m not sure how well I’d eat real Mexican food down in Mexico. I’m not fond of intestines and livers and other weird things.
- Not being sure how well meat was cooked makes it impossible for me to eat it. Even when I cook, I have to thoroughly check out the meat before eating it.
- Italian is my other favorite style of food.
- I would TOTALLY love to go to Italy and could TOTALLY eat the cuisine over there. Hey – are there mission trips to Italy??
- Growing up, the only detail I dreamed about when getting married was a honeymoon to Venice. (Which didn’t happen, but maybe someday for an anniversary.)
- This was largely due to several Nancy Drew books that took place in Italy. Loved Nancy Drew and I still have a collection of hardback books to pass on to my daughters.
- In high school, my favorite music was Nirvana, etc, and now my favorite music is Third Day and Skillet. Some things change. Some things only change so much.
- I did actually have and wear (during H.S. and college both) a pair of authentic combat boots that I purchased at a Army surplus store. I still like boots. And they’re still mid calf or knee high. They’re just more feminine.
- I don’t remember the exact date of mine and James’ first kiss, but I do remember that I basically dared him into it. After he alluded to it, but didn’t have the guts to follow through with it, I basically implied that he was too chicken to make him “prove me wrong.” I know, not the way I intend to teach my daughters to do things.
- I KNEW I wanted to marry him and spend the rest of my life with him after hanging out and talking with him for 3 months and then dating for another 3 months. Still, we didn’t get engaged for another 14 months. We got married 6 months after that. I still want to spend the rest of my life with him.
- Some days, coffee and God are all that carry me through the day. Mostly GOD. Every day, God is good, and I will never stop believing that.
Well that was fun! Here, have some Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies and a cup of coffee – both favorites around our house. If you don’t believe me, hop on over to my coffee blog ~ For the Love of Coffee. I’ll be giving away a little something there as a door prize so head over and check it out! Oh… that’s right, regular readers – another blog! I’ve been working on this for several weeks now and I’m ready to throw her out to the public. What do you think?
Around here, I’ve started the habit of doing semi-regular series’ about every other month. The first was my Advent Event back in December. It was a lot of fun and crammed full of lots of information and I met several good bloggers through it. I’m pretty sure that’s how I met Kristi. But I could be wrong… The second one was a series on How to Blog – for beginners and intermediate bloggers alike. It, too, was packed full of useful information. Coming soon, this series will be featured on Digital Bliss, a cousin channel for Inspired Bliss – at which I occasionally write. I’m sure there will be another fun series coming soon, just stay tuned for it! In the meantime, I began a new carnival a few weeks ago called “TGIF!!“ in which I offer links to goodies, free stuff, neat things and other coolness that I collected around the internet for the week. Feel free to join in!
** The giveaway is now closed. **
Congratulations to Jessica from Reflections of a Princess! You’ve won!
Well, I suppose I’ve kept you long enough. But first, the door prize! On top of giving away a free custom graphic for the UBP, I’m also giving away a second custom graphic as a door prize (you can choose between a sidebar graphic or a Twitter background.) In addition to a small selection of free graphics here, I also offer custom graphic design and blog makeovers. All you have to do to enter is leave one random thing about yourself in the comments. That’s easy peasy, right?
But if you want additional entries you can also:
- Tweet about this post and leave a comment with a link.
- Follow me on Twitter and leave a comment with your Twitter i.d. (Or tell me if you already do.)
- Subscribe to my blog and leave a comment saying that you did. (Or tell me if you already do.)
- Stumble this page and leave a comment saying that you did.
- Each of these need to be in separate comments if you want separate entries!! A random comment number will be drawn on Friday, March 27th at 12pm, CST. PLUS – Tuesday, March 24th is my daughter’s 6th birthday and there’s a good chance I’ll have something fun going on that day, too – hint, hint!!
And when you’re done browsing around here – head back over to the party and mingle. Bye for now!
P.S. The UBP prizes are really great. They’re all great, and I’d be thrilled to win something. My favorites are:
58 – Kitchen Aid Artisan Stand Mixer Provided by: Moms Who Think
19 — $50 gift certificate to Target Stores Provided by: Shoot-Me-Now
21 — $50 gift certificate to Target Stores Provided by: Agoosa – Funny Name, Sound Advice
22 — $50 gift certificate to Target Stores Provided by: Beginner Baby Blog
119 — 2 Life journals (one for you, one for a friend) to guide Bible reading and study Provided by: Mom’s Toolbox
49 – Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD and The Biggest Loser Family Cookbook: Budget Friendly Meals Your Whole Family Will Love Provided by: Pudget: Losing Weight On A Budget
68 – $30 gift certificate to Christian Book Distributors Provided by: A High And Noble Calling
26 — $30 gift certificate to Target Provided by: Little Miss Hannah
40 — Boca Beth Grande Bag Provided by: Boca Beth LLC
28 — Toddler Apron from LoLo Craft Provided by: LoLo Craft
I almost drowned when I was 13, but I’m still afraid to swim. I am planning to take adult lessons one day though. Love your idea to include your 25 random things!!
Monica’s last blog post..Ultimate Blog Party 2009: It’s My Party….
Great idea. I have been tagged about 20 times now for the 25 things about me meme. I have it as a draft post but still don’t have 25 things. You inspired me …to copy a few !
I enjoyed getting to know you and I especially love #25.
I like #24 too.
“Some days, coffee and God are all that carry me through the day. Mostly GOD. Every day, God is good, and I will never stop believing that.” …except substitute tea for me
Trish @ My Little Drummer Boys’s last blog post..Cupcakes
I have to say since I am international you prize is going to be on my list …we only qualify for downloadable or digital prizes
but that is okay.
I am now following you on twitter …and the randon thing about me is Italian is one of my favourite foods too and wine to match.I am not good at reading rules.
I really like Third day too I have it on my blog playlist.
Trish @ My Little Drummer Boys’s last blog post..Cupcakes
Okay back again to say I subscribed to your blog …and my twitter Id is
I hope I did this right
I will twitter your post now !
Trish @ My Little Drummer Boys’s last blog post..Cupcakes
One random thing about me – I am a wildlife enthusiast, but am terrified of snakes. I would never hurt one, but I certainly don’t want to get too close to one either.
Drowning is a great fear of mine — but I do LOVE the ocean (to watch, not swim in). You have GOT to make a trip to see the ocean.
I twittered this post
Trish @ My Little Drummer Boys’s last blog post..Cupcakes
Nice to meet you!
Jen’s last blog post..I’m Here For The Party!!
Great Post, and great site, added you to my twitter!! enjoy the party!
ThriftyMom’s last blog post..Welcome to Thrifty Hearts Ultimate Blog Party O9!!
The 24th is a fantastic day. My mommy’s birthday is the same day. Happy partying!
Holly’s last blog post..Ultimate Blog Party
I definitely don’t need any excuses to party, so bring it on! I hope you make it to both Italy and the ocean soon!
Davina @ DivineENVE’s last blog post..On the work front
Random huh I have slightly webbed toes that I gave to my son hahahah
hey amber! we met via the last UBP i think!! so fun to be at it another year, eh? i love nancy drew. love. i guess i’ll have to share hardy boys w/ my boys. did you read trixie belden too? not as good as teh drew but still, a book! i’ve lost my spanish as well…. maybe i can find a sweet mexican grandmother to adopt us?!!? i keep hoping anyway!
i’m about to check out your coffee blog.. looks fun!
misty’s last blog post..Ultimate Blog Party 2009!
nice to meet ya! glad you are partaking in the party…have a great one!
Sheri H’s last blog post..Join the Party as it is gonna be huge! Bloggers from all over are partaking-why not you too?
Hi! Nice to meet you. Following on twitter – babasfarmlife. Party On!
Baba’s last blog post..Ultimate Blog Party Is Here
[…] online. You may also be noticing that it’s a wee bit late today. That would be because of the fabulous party that is going on right now! Head on over and check it […]
I was afraid of the water and swimming in elementary school, later I went on to be a lifeguard (6 years!)and swim instructor!
blog party! i enjoyed your 25 list!
Thanks for being @ the party have a wonderful PARTY DAY !!
Wow I love your blog , Keep up the great work !!
HappyHermit’s last blog post..Pizza Pasta (from my Husband)
Hi there! I’m currently about 4 hours or so away from you, stationed in Fort Polk, LA! Hiya from the UBP!
We go to the outskirts of Dallas to visit my in-laws, perhaps a bloggy meetup someday? Are you going to BlogHer? 
Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting’s last blog post..Welcome to The Crazy Party and Giveaway
Hey Lisa – I’m not actually in Dallas, but we’re close enough to make day trips.
I’m not going to BlogHer, though I hear it’s worth it. At this point, my hubby would think I was NUTS for wanting to go.
Hi Amber,
One random thing about me: I am on my computer so much that I actually have a callous on my pinkie! YUCK! I am already following you on Twitter.
I am stopping by from The Ultimate Blog Party to check your blog out. What a great week we are in for!
Check out my place for your chance to win a LeapFrog Tag Reading System.
The Divine Miss Mommy
Nice to meet you! Love your blog
A random thing about me??? Oh dear, I have many! I love to post fake craigslist ads just for a good laugh… shhhhh 
Shop with Me Mama’s last blog post..2009 Ultimate Blog Party! Let me introduce myself!
Hi, coming over from UBP. I’m trying to visit all the blogs. Right now, if I visit 149 per day in the next 7 days I’ll make it. I’m hoping for long nap times for the next 7 days! Anyway, it is really nice to meet you and your blog. I have a toddler learning blog myself where we do a lot of learning activities and have fun. Blogs are my favorite way to spend time. They’ve totally replaced magazines for me. So nice to meet you! Have a magical day! Candice’s last blog post..Time to Party! Ultimate Blog Party… Read more »
Nice to meet you! I liked Nirvana too back in the day. I currently own 3 pair of boots. They’re wonderful!
nice to meet you, love all your facts fell like I know you already you have a great blog, here is my random fact
ever since I was little I have to sleep with my feet covered or I panic like someone is going to cut them off don’t ask I have no idea where it came from LOL
happy UBP!!!!
Hello! Poppin’ in from The Ultimate Blog Party…all the way from Queensland, Australia! G’Day! I hope you have time to visit my party soon.
I want to invite you to the Mommie Daze Virtual Baby Shower that I am hosting May 15 to June 8. This is an international even and there are prizes! Stop by my blog for all the details.
I LOVE Italian food too!! Just stopping by while party hopping!
Laura’s last blog post..Woot Woot!! It’s time to party!!
I love mexican food!
Nice to meet you and thanks for the giveaway! Hope you are having fun at the party. I would also like to invite you to link to Show off your blog Saturday! I would love to read your favorite post!
Brea’s Mommy’s last blog post..Show off your blog Saturday! #2
I follow on twitter
Brea’s Mommy’s last blog post..Show off your blog Saturday! #2
Wow! I made it into your post? What an honor!!
I think I actually came across your blog after you did an article on homeschoolfever… or another homeschool blog? I believe that we would be excellent friends in real life. I am, of course, on the same page with relying on God and also coffee! I have been on multiple missions trips, mostly to Mexico, and I can tell you that texmex food is much more pallatable! I also had a scary experience in a wave pool and wore weird boots in high school. And camo cargo pants. And,… Read more »
I’m stopping by for UBP 2009! This is great! Great site you have here, please feel free to stop by the party at my place!
Nifty Nique’s last blog post..Menu Plan for 3/23 – 3/29
Hello there. Knocking on your door from the blog party. Hope you don’t mind.
Hi Amber–
Glad to see you’re having fun at the party!
Seeing your list reminds me that I was going to make an updated 100-things list (since I took off the one I used to link on my author page that was a solid 2 years old. Who knew so much could change in 2 years?)
Blessings on your day!
Amy Jane (Untangling Tales)’s last blog post..What are you your Best At? (and a giveaway)
Nice to meet you!
Talk about a party!
I’m quite intrigued and am learning how to get around!
Just stopping by from 5minutes for moms blog party!
Hey! I was just enjoying your coffee blog! Hhmmm.. a random thing about me..
I am a shopaholic. I live for bargain hunting!
Kati’s last blog post..Product Review: Betty Crocker Warm Delights Minis
I visited your coffee blog and wanted to meet you on your regular blog. Nice to meet you. Please stop by my party if you get a chance.
Nadine’s last blog post..Commercials
[…] I was going to do something FUN for my daughter’s 6th birthday! In the spirit of the UBP and my loud and boisterous Drama Queen I’m going to do another giveaway – a Clue Jr. board […]
Just stopping by from UBP 09.
A few random facts about me:
I also enjoyed Nirvana…and Pearl Jam, back in the day. Today, I also prefer Third Day & Skillet. I once owned combat boots, but don’t have any boots in the closet at present. And I don’t recall that I ever came close to drowning…I live in south MS w/ my DH, 3 (almost 4) kids, 8 chickens & 1 spoiled poodle.
Nice to meet you!
Steph’s last blog post..Changing One Heart for Many–Week 9
hehe… I’ve been outta the bloggy world for a while and didn’t even realize the UBP had come and gone until I saw your linkylink on my WordPress panel! Wow, this past year has FLOWN by. Look at all that has changed in the blogging world though…especially twitter…I don’t believe I remember seeing any “twit this post” messages back then. Now it’s common fare to say it. As 2009 rolled in, I remember seeing a news story that said it would be the “year of the twitter”.. LOL. I would def join the regular twitter bandwagon if I had unlimited… Read more »
I am enjoying all these blogs. Yours is one of the best especially your graphics.
Happy blog party! I enjoy very much these blogs especially yours!
your blog is very helpful. I am really having fun looking at all these blogs
Monik@Pregnancy Blog’s last blog post..Join the Ultimate Blog Party and Win!
Hey Girlie… I wanted to let you know that I joined in ALL THE FUN over at the Ultimate-Blog-Party. WOOHOO!!
I’m praying i get some, MUCH needed traffic & I would LOVE to win one of the prizes. FUN!
Groovewoman’s last blog post..WFW – He Delights In Us!
I loved Nancy Drew as a kid, too. My dd is 10 and so we may start reading her books together!
Just subbed via bloglines.
Party hopping and found I wanted to stay!
I’ve always wanted to go on a mission too, but never have. If you find one to Italy– LET ME KNOW!
Hi, stopping in from the UBP…hope your having fun! Cute blog you’ve got here- great idea to include 25 random facts about yourself…hope you get a chance to stop by my blog Life, as it is and enter my giveaway!
Tara’s last blog post..Cool site with a GREAT giveaway
Great blog! Lots to learn about you! The UBP is great!
Linda’s last blog post..Ultimate Blog Party 2009 !!!
Congratulations! You are a prize winner. Stay tuned…
Pamela Kramer’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday – #32 Zebra