Planning a President’s Day unit study? Or maybe you don’t need a full-fledged unit study, you just want to take a little peek into this holiday. There are so many great resources online, if you do a little bit of digging.

But hey, I’ve done some digging for you. =)

There are more resources here than what you could use in one day. What we have here are options. I like OPTIONS. (It’s like a staple for me.) Lucky for you, President’s Day comes around every year, so you can come back and do something different next year. =)

President's Day Unit Study Resources

President’s Day Unit Study List

What we have here are the full-fledged, real deal unit studies. Dig in!

President's Day Unit Study at HomeschoolShare

President’s Day Lapbook at – A lapbook, a reading list to take to your library, and printable forms, cards and timeline. This one mainly focuses on George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

President’s Day Unit Study at – This unit study is only $3.50, and the bonus is that it includes materials for Kindergarten all the way up to 12th grade. It’s worth checking out.

History of President Day at Free Homeschool Deals

History of President’s Day Unit Study at Free Homeschool Deals – This is a complete study that includes language arts, math, history, geography, and science, adaptable for all ages.

President's Day Mini Unit Study

MINI President’s Day Unit Study at – a unit study for K-6th, only a bit smaller in size.

President’s Day Materials

DIY your own unit study or just pick and choose a few activities, depending on your needs.

President’s Day Activities (a list on Homeschool Buyers Co-Op) – A pick and choose list of printables and online activities, from word finds to math games, for a variety of ages.

U.S. Presidents Materials from Half a Hundred Acre Wood – Not specifically focusing on the holiday itself, this a sizable list of resources for studying president’s, incorporating math, history, writing, and crafts.

President’s Day Mini Study at Homeschool Mosaics – a great list of materials for reading and notebooking about the holiday, along with a couple of good videos.

President’s Day at – A large collection of videos, worksheets, crafts, articles and more, divided by grade.

President’s Day Holiday Helps at DIY Homeschooler – another list with a wide variety of materials.

President’s Day Books

There are A. LOT. OF. BOOKS. about the U.S. presidents in genearl, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, many other specific presidents such as John F. Kennedy or John Adams, and President’s Day as a holiday. A quick search on Amazon or at your local library and you’ll have your arms full.

However, there is one book that I’d like to point out that can take your unit study deeper if you have older kids. “The Everything American Government Book: From the Constitution to Present-Day Elections, All You Need to Understand Our Democratic System is a fairly thorough book about the U.S. government, the role of the president, elections, and so much more. In any case, it would be a good resource to have on hand, especially with the presidential election looming.

Have fun digging through these resources. I hope you and your kids learn a lot and have fun while doing it, too.

Is there anything you would add?

Photo by Stephen Oliver on Unsplash

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!