Back to Home School 2013

The FOURTH annual “Back to (Home) School” carnival is here!

Every Monday in July (starting the 8th, enjoy your holiday week!) we’ll be coming together to have fun and learn from each other as we prepare for the upcoming school year. If you’ve never participated before, check out last year’s Back to (Home) School series – the links are still good!

My intent for the BTHS carnival is best explained by what I wrote about it two years ago:

It’s a month long exhibition of what works for YOU (because sometimes we all need to remind ourselves what we DO have working for us– there’s plenty of opportunity to lament over what’s NOT working.) And most of the time we all enjoy looking at what other people are doing, too. We can find great curriculum recommendations, organizing ideas, record keeping tips and other goodies by taking a minute to step outside of what *we* think and take a look at the advice that other people are offering. (I’m particularly bad about not doing that sometimes.) And that’s my hope for this carnival, that you’d find at least one tip or piece of advice that you can really use to help your school year go even better. And I also hope that it’s fun! And that you find some new blogs and that some new followers find yours.

Back to (Home) School 2013 Schedule:

July 8  – Your Students / Your School

You can do either/or (and/or both.) Share a little about your kids, their interests, their learning styles, (pictures if you want, or none if you don’t.) If you’d rather, write about your homeschool, your school name, and that sort of thing. It’s up to you!

July 16 -Your curriculum (or must haves, supplies, or resources, etc.)

One of our favorite things to look at – what books and resources do others use? You may not have all of it yet (or any,) or even know what you want yet. But that’s okay, join in anyway!

July 23 – Your School Day / Lesson Planning / Goals

We love to learn from each other when it comes to scheduling our day and planning (even record keeping.) What does a day of school look like for you? Do you lesson plan? Do you have an amazing record keeping system? What are your goals for the year? You can write about all of these if you want to, but you don’t have to!

July 30 – Your School Room / Area / Organizing

Where does school happen for you? Show us your space – whether it’s a room, a corner, or the dining room table! Don’t forget to share your bookshelves, file cabinets, and whatever else you use to organize your school stuff. Organizing is something we ALL love to see!

Each post will go live that morning. The linkies will be found on each page and are open through the end of August (2013.) See you there!


I know there will be LOTS of linkies and carnivals for back to school posts over the next couple of months!! Don’t feel bad about linking up posts that you’ve already written for something else, just throw a linkback in the bottom and join in! What I’m saying is, I don’t expect you to write NEW posts for this carnival if you’re already writing for something else, I’m not expecting you to do twice the work! What I AM saying is that we all travel in different circles, so while some of the Back to (Home) School participants may overlap with other carnivals you’re sure to find and benefit from some new blogs here at BTHS. So let’s have some fun together!

Background Image Source: Red Apple Isolated by Petr Kratochvil

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!