I’m about to show my age here.. you ready??

When I was a kid… I used to listen to this Christmas album… on VINYL RECORD.

Yup. There. I said it. Of course by that point, cassettes and walkmans were all the rage but we had quite a few records. (In fact, my parents still have some, I think they might even have the Christmas one.) I remember sitting in the living room listening to John Denver sing some of my favorite Christmas tunes along with some of my favorite Muppets and loving it. We giggled over “piggy pudding.” We belted out the “12 Days of Christmas.”

Now, my dad would prefer vinyl records over mp3 files.. but we’re not all blessed with record players these days. So for those of you with MP3 players, mp3 compatible cell phones, mp3 compatible e-readers and computers.. you’re in luck!

Amazon has “A Christmas Together – John Denver & The Muppets”, mp3 version, on sale right now for only $5.00. Yup, that’s right. ENJOY. = )

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!