resources for homeschooling in texas

Online Resources and Help for Homeschooling

“And now,.. the end is near..”  (I feel like “My Way” is kind of appropriate, don’t you feel?) 

The final bit of information I have to share for this series, is a list of resources and help for homeschooling that you may find useful as you navigate homeschooling–especially in the area of high school and graduation.

A lot of this is generic information that will help any homeschooler, which has been gathered with the freedoms of Texas homeschooling in mind. The first couple of sections are specifically high school related, with some grade-generic resources in the list of helps at the end.

If you are looking for help in a specific area and can’t find a relevant resource here, please let me know in the comments and I’ll see if I can help you out. 

To go back and start at the beginning of this series, START HERE.

help for homeshcooling

Information For Homeschooling High School

Homeschooling Laws in Texas and other info at – You can also become a member of Home School Legal Defense Association, to not only gain access to more of their website, but have immediate access to legal counsel and representation should you ever need it.

Homeschooling in Texas at – The Texas Home School Coalition fights for the rights and freedoms of homeschoolers in Texas. (In light of their recent fight for the Tim Tebow bill, we can see that all homeschoolers don’t always agree on what we should be fighting for.. but the THSC does fight to keep our homeschooling freedoms in place.) Be sure to check out these pages:

“How to Obtain a High School Diploma,” at Coalition for Responsible Home Education

Download a Free Editable High School Transcript Form

As I mentioned previously, there are a few online high school transcript generators that you can use. But the downside of using these forms is that you can’t save your work as you go. You have to wait, fill it all out at once, and print it.

But now,. . .  I’ve made my very own, editable .pdf, high school transcript form! 

I learned a new skill for this. I’m super proud. =)

To use this form, however, you will need to calculate the GPA. (The form won’t do it for you, but it’s not that hard! I’ve included instructions in the help section down below.)

There are two options. One says “Home Education Program” at the top, and one has a blank field for you to insert your own school name. 

Directions for downloading and using the forms. 

  1. Click the link to download the form. If that doesn’t work, right click and save to your computer.
  2. When you add info and save the file, make sure you continue to save it as a .pdf so you can continue to edit it.
  3. When you’re done, print it out. Easy-peasy!
  4. Save copies for each of your kids. You are free to use this form as many times as you need to. Please send friends to this page to download their own copy instead of sending a copy directly. Thanks!

*NOTE: This file was created in Open Office on a Mac. Since it’s a .pdf, I’m hoping the formatting stays intact. Let me know if formatting issues occur so I can correct them!

**NOTE #2: You’ll notice I’ve included space for attendance, even though we aren’t required to have a minimum number of attendance days. Colleges will probably like to see this information.

Other Online Help for Homeschooling

Super Customizable Free Homeschool Planner by Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus

Printable Student Planners, by

Printable Reading Logs, by

40+ Free Printable Planners, Amy’s Wandering

Free 2017 Printable Planner, Blessed

100+ Printables for Planning, Cornerstone Confessions

High School Planning Pages from

How to Determine Credits for High School Courses, at

High School Credit Planner Spreadsheet from FiveJ’

Compare the TEA’s High School Graduation Requirements. If you want to see what the state of Texas requires for public high school graduates, you can use their graduation program as a starting place for planning yours. Scroll down to “Graduation Programs” and take a look.

How to Calculate GPA by – This doesn’t take Honors, AP, or Dual Credit courses into account.

Online GPA Calculator – This online form lets you enter classes/grades and displays the cumulative GPA as you go. It doesn’t display the GPA for each class, though. But it DOES calculate GPA for honors, AP, etc, so you can use this calculator to determine GPA for advanced courses.

Resources for creating diplomas: 

Have Fun Texas-Homeschooling This Year!

I really hope you’ve gleaned something useful from this series. I’ve even learned a little by researching and writing it. 😉

May you have a wonderful school year, and God bless!


Hopscotch Summer 2017This 5-Day Series is part of the Summer 2017 Homeschool Hopscotch – a variety collection of 5-Day series.

To see what everybody else is writing about, just HOP over to this page and then hopscotch your way around the topics as you please. Happy hopping!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!