**Note: Since the writing of this post, Fortuigence has changed its name to Writing Rockstars. You can find all of their courses and resources on www.WritingRockstars.com.** Why is teaching my kids to write well so hard? It shouldn’t be. Everybody writes. I write all the time! And yet, teaching my kids to write has been such a struggle for us, and a thorn in our side. Writing is one of …
Homemaker’s Challenge: A Tip for Cutting Bell Peppers
I’m going to start doing a better job of telling you when I have posts up at the other blogs I write for. (Three of them, three posts a month that I’m not writing here, and two of those having nothing to do with homeschooling. =) ) Today I’m up at Homemaker’s Challenge, and I’m sharing a super easy trick for cutting bell peppers. We eat a lot of raw …
In Which I Attempt To Think About Curriculum: Our Faith-Based Eclectic Approach (With A Little Giveaway)
[maxbutton id=”1″] My brain is mush!! I can’t believe that it’s time for curriculum and new school years and all that. I. Can’t. Even. But, hey! There’s a teeny giveaway at the bottom of this post, so at least there’s that. As proof of my current brain-mush-state, I offer the evidence that I completely, totally, overlooked, missed, and forgot about my annual Back to (Home) School series in July. Brain. …